Monday, December 31, 2007

Bhutto's Corrupt Husband To Succeed Her

It was announced Sunday that contained within Benazir Bhutto's will, she wanted her husband, Asif Ali Zardari, take over in case of her death. But Zardari, who is viewed with suspicion by many Pakistanis, appointed his son, Bilawal Bhutto Zardari, as official chairman of the party that the 19-year-old's grandfather founded in 1967.

Investigators accused Zardari, and by complicity Benazir, of taking secret kickbacks from airline, power station and pipeline projects, rice deals, customs inspections, defence contracts, land sell-offs, even government welfare. They allege that while the kickbacks were organised by Zardari, Benazir knew what was going on. As prime minister and finance minister, she had to approve many government contracts personally.

Zardari was jailed for the first time in 1990 on charges ranging from murder to bank fraud when Bhutto's first government was dismissed. He was released in 1993 and acquitted of the charges.

Zardari became investment minister in Bhutto's second government. He was nicknamed "Mr. 10%" for allegedly skimming commissions on government contracts. He was also accused of spending state money on ponies and the apples to feed them at the prime minister's residence, while the poor lacked bread to eat.

He was jailed a second time in 1996 over corruption allegations and alleged involvement in an attack on Bhutto's brother, Murtaza, who died in a shootout near his home in Karachi. He was freed in 2004 and moved his family to the United Arab Emirates.

Zardari appointed his son to insure election but you can bet Zardari will be the puppet master used by the new world order. Bilawal is just a pawn with no experience and will be easy to manipulate. Doesn't make much difference though, the elections will be rigged in favor of Musharraf anyway.

Musharraf has become a torn in the side of the Council on Foreign Relations and they insist on replacing him. Should get real interesting in Pakistan over the next few weeks.

Anyway you look at this situation it has CIA and ISI written all over it. If a state led democracy is what the elite want in Pakistan, they will stop at nothing to accomplish the task. I suspect the CIA viewed Benazir Bhutto's death as a way to lock in Pakistani elections. Her death made a statement to the peoples party, "Stand in formation or we'll shove a gun in your mouth!"

The events over the last few days make ISI involvement more obvious. The initial crime scene was hosed down within a hour of the assassination. Many witnesses claim Pakistani Military was involved and helped carry out the attack by leaving their posts early.

The people of Pakistan are still under martial law and many cities are torched, all in the name of democracy.

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Sunday, December 30, 2007

CFR Report Calls For Possible War With Russia

In November 2007 the Council on Foreign Relations released a climate change and national security report that not only threatens war with Russia, but also recommends accelerated North American Integration.

The Northwest Passage is a glacial area that is expected to melt by the middle of the century and open a new trade route, taking some 4000 miles off current trade routes. Canada and Russia have both claimed ownership of the NW Passage and its resources, including oil reserves.


In the CFR's report interstate war is threatened over the rights to the passage. A quote from the report:

"Canada has claimed the Northwest Passage as internal waters while the United States has asserted they are international waters through which free passage should be permitted. Another concern is contested control of potential petroleum reserves in the area that have heretofore been inaccessible. In the summer of 2007, the Russians raised the stakes by laying claim to the North Pole and the resources underlying it, setting in motion a scramble by other national governments. Though armed confrontation remains unlikely, tensions over territorial waters hearken back to the kinds of border disputes that once led to interstate war."

Considering the importance of the passage and its resources I would consider this as an early planning stage for war with Russia. There is very little room for negotiation between the two superpowers, Canada will be part of North American Union so their status is just a front for now.

I would further expect the accelerated melting of the passage through government manipulation, to bring this into focus sooner rather than later. Climate change policy is more than just about the climate. It's primarily about international control and world governance.

The Law of the Sea Treaty is a fine example of what the globalization movement is capable of. This treaty undermines national soverenignty and represents the accelerated integration set forth by the new world order. Don't think for a minute that these mass murderers won't start a war with Russia over a block of ice.


The CFR report refers to a "No-Regrets-Policy" on climate change. Meaning that if they happen to be wrong about the seriousness of climate change, which is considered certain by more than 400 scientists worldwide, policies written will still be useful and will serve as building blocks for addtional global security. In other words, "So what if we're wrong? - We're still gonna' put a gun in your mouth"

CFR Report Conclusion----

"The policy proposals presented here are illustrative rather than exhaustive, but they have the potential to strengthen national security by reducing U.S. vulnerabilities to climate change at home and abroad, securing and stabilizing important partners, and contributing to other goals such as energy security and industrial revitalization. In a world of new security challenges, forging a climate policy along these lines must be a national priority".

This CFR report is all about one world government controlled by the United Nations and the global elite. Most people aren't aware their kids are being taught under a UN education doctrine. Now the UN has teamed up with marvel comics to promote their one world government agenda and gain the support of your children. After all, our children are the future.

To me the repeated call by the report for further global and national security is simply another way of saying "Shut up or we'll stick a gun in your mouth!" Security is a term used by these criminals to cover their real crimes. Security is a myth and doesn't exist in the real world. I suppose the word "security" itself is meant to make you "feel" more secure.

Full CFR - CSR no. 32 date 11/2007

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Saturday, December 29, 2007

Ron Paul Excluded In Fox Debate

From the Ron Paul Website----------

December 28, 2007 10:39 pm EST

ARLINGTON, VIRGINIA – According to the New Hampshire State Republican Party and an Associated Press report, Republican presidential candidate and Texas Congressman Ron Paul will be excluded from an upcoming forum of Republican candidates to be broadcast by Fox News on January 6, 2008.

“Given Ron Paul’s support in New Hampshire and his recent historic fundraising success, it is outrageous that Dr. Paul would be excluded,” said Ron Paul 2008 campaign chairman Kent Snyder. “Dr. Paul has consistently polled higher in New Hampshire than some of the other candidates who have been invited.”

Snyder continued, “Paul supporters should know that we are continuing to make inquiries with Fox News as to why they have apparently excluded Dr. Paul from this event.”

--------The war on the home front is far from over........

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Thursday, December 27, 2007

Pakistans Future After Bhutto Assassination

The future of Pakistan is a serious situation for the globalization movement set forth by the Council on Foreign Relations and other members of the New World Order. There are many political implications involved with Bhutto's death, not just for Pakistan, but the entire world.

Riots throughout Pakistan ensued following the assassination of Benazir Bhutto, a sure sign of things to come. When the shock of what has happened there wears off things will really get interesting. Bhutto's father was hanged in a similar situation in 1949.

One thing is for sure though, when the heads of the CFR and Bush administration started spouting off about this situation, I had no doubt they had something to do with it. When certain key figures start rattling their heads as if it were rehearsed, it's time to put on the boots because it's going to get deep.

Destabilization in Pakistan means a new slate to work with. Not unlike CIA shock therapy which was used for the same effect. Shock to the mind leaves one in a coma like state and then the mind can be rewritten. "The Shock Doctrine" by Naomi Klein is a perfect explanation of what is happening and what will happen in the very near future to Pakistan.

I mentioned earlier that I believe the CIA to be directly involved, I'll extend that to the ISI as well. Pakistani Intelligence is more than likely the actual murderer's here, but the CIA was the one that said - when. Timing is everything when creating the right political atmosphere for voters.

I have heard several CFR and Bush people state "The first question is - Who did this?" For me the first question is - "Who benefits from this?" It's clear that by assassinating Bhutto the region will become unstable and invite dissenter genocide on a massive scale. The slate will be cleared for new policy and greater government control over the people of Pakistan.

Policy is already written in the US to try and contain the situation. I feel this is out of the hands of the Pakistani people though, and aside from a nuclear assault on their neighbors - the US, EU and Israel will strongly influence the shock therapy inflicted there. Musharraf doesn't stand a chance of survival and will strive to intentionally make the situation worse in the coming weeks and months, as a justified means to an end.

CFR Audio on Pakistan Future

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Benazir Bhutto Assassinated in Pakistan

The assassination of Benazir Bhutto is a horrific example of mental shock therapy. The people of Pakistan are in for one hell of a ride, my sympathy goes out to them.

It's my belief that this incident poses as a stepping stone for higher security in the U.S.

I wouldn't be surprised if this was carried out by our own CIA. The global elite have wanted Hillary Clinton as president of the U.S. for a very long time, what better way to promote her campaign than by killing a friend of hers. Wouldn't be the first time this sort of thing has occurred to further politcal causes.

Article from BBC News:
{Ms Bhutto - the first woman PM in an Islamic state - was leaving an election rally in Rawalpindi when a gunman shot her in the neck and set off a bomb.
At least 20 other people died in the attack and several more were injured.

President Pervez Musharraf has urged people to remain calm but angry protests have gripped some cities, with at least 11 deaths reported.
Security forces have been placed on a state of "red alert" nationwide.

There were no immediate claims of responsibility for the attack. Analysts believe Islamist militants to be the most likely group behind it.

Map: Scene of the assassination

Ms Bhutto, leader of the Pakistan People's Party (PPP), had served as prime minister from 1988-1990 and 1993-1996, and had been campaigning ahead of elections due on 8 January.

Benazir Bhutto's coffin has now been taken from the hospital
It was the second suicide attack against her in recent months and came amid a wave of bombings targeting security and government officials.

Nawaz Sharif, also a former prime minister and a political rival, announced his Muslim League party would boycott the elections.

He called on President Musharraf to resign, saying free and fair elections were not possible under his rule.

The United Nations Security Council held an emergency session and later said it "unanimously condemned" the assassination.
Scene of grief

Ms Bhutto's remains have been removed from Rawalpindi General Hospital in a van. They are reportedly being taken to the city's airport.

Extremist groups have in their sights all those committed to democratic processes in Pakistan
David Miliband UK foreign secretary

International reaction
In pictures: Protest fury
Analysis: Blow to stability

The attack occurred close to an entrance gate of the city park where Ms Bhutto had been speaking.

Police confirmed reports Ms Bhutto had been shot in the neck and chest before the gunman blew himself up.

She died at 1816 (1316 GMT), said Wasif Ali Khan, a member of the PPP who was at hospital.
Some supporters at the hospital wept while others broke into anger, throwing stones at cars and breaking windows.

Protests erupted in other cities as news of the assassination spread, with reports of 11 deaths in the PPP's heartland province of Sindh, including four in provincial capital, Karachi.

More than 100 cars were burned in Karachi, while cars and a train were reportedly set on fire in Hyderabad.

Obituary: Benazir Bhutto
Life in pictures

The killing was condemned by India, the US, the UK and others.
US President George W Bush telephoned Mr Musharraf for what the White House would only describe as a "brief" conversation on the situation.

Ms Bhutto returned from self-imposed exile in October after years out of Pakistan where she had faced corruption charges.

Her return was the result of a power-sharing agreement with President Musharraf
He had granted an amnesty that covered the court cases she was facing.
But relations with Mr Musharraf soon broke down.

On the day of her arrival, she had led a motor cavalcade through the city of Karachi.
It was hit by a double suicide attack that left some 130 dead.
Rawalpindi, the nerve centre of Pakistan's military, is seen as one of the country's most secure cities.

It was only a matter of time before the darker forces... carried out this action
Helen StynesSwaffham }

Welcome to the shock doctrine........

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Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Pope Benedicts Silent Call For World Governance

Pope Benedict on Tuesday gave his annual Christmas message to tens of thousands in attendance and over 1 billion loyal sheep worldwide. I listened to his sermon and have concluded that this was just another Vatican call for world governance.

Here's a quote from the sermon:

"May the light of Christ, which comes to enlighten every human being, shine forth and bring consolation to those who live in the darkness of poverty, injustice and war".

"Christmas should bring hope to those still denied their legitimate aspirations for a more secure existence, for health, education, stable employment, for fuller participation in civil and political responsibilities, free from oppression and protected from conditions that offend against human dignity".

To some this is just a simple statement but to me it's much more. My research tells me conclusively that the Vatican is a main player in the new world order ideology. Pope Benedict, or should I call him Pope Corleone, sits at the head of the most corrupt criminal organization in the world and that's a fact.

Watch Godfather III sometime, it's a true story!

When a person is free to open their mind and read between the lines of the Popes statement, the call for one world governance is clear. A "secure existence" is what the NWO proposes in almost every instance. "Health, education, employment", this works very nicely into the NWO's global agenda. The entire sermon is based on world governance, just a lot of fluff added to keep the masses dumb.

He warned that "ethnic, religious and political tensions, instability, rivalry, disagreements, and all forms of injustice and discrimination are destroying the internal fabric of many countries and embittering international relations".

According to members of the elite Bilderberg Group, none of this would be a problem under one world governance. Some things are obvious on the outside but people must make the time to educate themselves or be prepared to sleep in the bed they make.

The following two excerpts are from the Council on Foreign Relations report "Building a North American Community".

{The global challenges faced by North America cannot be met solely through unilateral or bilateral efforts or existing patterns of cooperation. They require deepened cooperation based on the principle, affirmed in the March 2005 joint statement by Canada, Mexico, and the United States, that ‘‘our security and prosperity are mutually dependent and complementary.’’

Establishment by 2010 of a security and economic community for North America is an ambitious but achievable goal that is consistent with this principle and, more important, buttresses the goals and values of the citizens of North America, who share a desire for safe and secure societies, economic opportunity and prosperity, and strong democratic institutions" }

To me this has the same look and feel of the Pontiffs sermon. It isn't just one source creating this new world order, it's a collective of elites, rulers, kings and presidents that are in one way or another forced into line by the collective itself.

Situations such as terrorist attacks and massive disaster shock, are key components that are intentionally used to force countries and populations into making decisions they would otherwise never have to make.

Today it's all in the name of one world governance, yesterday it was one world religion, which by the way, is now included in the NWO's overall agenda. The Vatican is the largest proponent of mass genocide in the world and history states this as a fact.

"The popes were temporal rulers of the civil territory and they naturally had recourse to force the re-establishment or extend the States of the Church until the conclusion of peace was confirmed ... their attempts to purify particularly the Duchy of Rome caused them considerable distress and the need to resort to violence, but always on the side of mercy ... lives were lost in the service of truth but the legal basis for the Christian Church to hold and transmit properties for the benefit of revenues was given to them [the popes] by Emperor Constantine in 312." (Catholic Encyclopedia, Pecci ed., ii, pp. 157—169)

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Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Ron Paul Supports Friedman Ideology

I've been a loyal Ron Paul supporter since the first time I listened to him speak, that may change due to new information I received today. Dammit Man!

According to author and intellectual Naomi Klein, a transplanted Canadian and future speech writer to George W. Bush named David Krum, called for a shock therapy-style economic revolution in the U.S. Krum is a disciple of the Milton Freidman school of thought, which is based on socialist ideas and disaster capitalism. Freidman was one sick individual. He was the one responsible for the demolition of housing units in New Orleans recently. It was his last act before his death at 94.

David Krum was quoted as stating "Here's how I think we should do it. Instead of cutting incrementally - a little here, a little there - I would say that on a single day this summer we eliminate 300 programs, each one costing a billion dollars or less. Maybe these cuts won't make a big deal of difference, but, boy, do they make a point. And you can do them right away".

Sound familiar?

Ron Paul said he would do this but it would take him a bit longer. This is the first connection I've found that links the true way Dr. Paul is thinking, to the Bush administration. This could be a deal breaker for me. I've had enough economic shock therapy. Thanks to Ms. Klein for waking me up.

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Economic Shock Therapy

I recently found a book written by Naomi Klein called "The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism". I've listened to Ms. Klein giving lectures about disaster capitalism and how society is effected and this woman will shock your mind. This is a revolutionary non -fiction writing that is sure to intrigue and keep you on the edge.

After reading the first eleven pages of the book I could tell it would be another sleepless night. I put the book down and began researching economic shock therapy, which is referred to by Mrs.Klein as part of an overall larger picture.

Economic shock therapy, according to Mrs. Klein, is what we have been living in America since 9/11/2001. I don't think anyone would disagree that the price of everything has skyrocketed in the last several years. This is only a taste of what lies ahead.

A few years ago about a 100 owner operator truck drivers went to Washington D.C. to plead their case about rising fuel prices. Their claim was the drastic increase would put the little guy out of business.

I know from experience that these small business owners work within a very tight budget. Profit is less than 5% in most cases. In 1994 truck drivers were calling NAFTA the National Agreement to Fuck Truckers Act.

Another cost truckers face is Wal-Mart, and many other companies, now charge trucking companies to off load their own freight. Wal-Mart orders the merchandise but won't let a driver unload until a lumper fee is paid. This is one tactic companies use to offset tariff rates and fuel surcharges. Guess who ends up paying for all of it.

I could see what nafta meant not just for me as a driver, but what it meant for the whole country. It took several years for increased fuel costs to trickle down but my guess is by this time next year things will be a lot worse.

The increase in the cost of fuel, coupled with the states increasing speed limits in the mid 1990's, has rapidly led to the price of everything we buy going through the roof. Free trade has driven almost every manufacturing job overseas and left the American people as servants. The American dollar is still worthless and will continue to decline. Make way for the Amero.

Now we have the Chinese killing our kids and our pets and forcing their slave labor merchandise on the masses. But what a joy it will be when Mexican trucks begin crossing our border by the thousands, unchecked until they reach Kansas City, where they can park their Chinese cargo containers full of Chinese junk, or nuclear bio weapons.

You want economic shock therapy? We got all you want in the US and it's just going to keep getting worse. Take a look at Argentina for an example of what is going to happen in America in the very near future.

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Saturday, December 22, 2007

The 2012 Myth

Seems a bit silly if you ask me. The Mayan calender ends December 22, 2012. What does this mean? Other than it is a time of galactic alignment, maybe they simply got sick of writing or the artist died. So what if the Indians believe we are heading into our 5th world. They are still here to tell about it and I expect I will be here well after 12/22/2012.

The Mayan prophecies aren't really prophecies at all, rather mere observations that were known to repeat and therefore documented. It's like saying Sunday will come, how prophetic. Sunday, by the way, isn't what you think either.

Recently the History Channel aired "The Lost Book of Nostradamus". This apparent lost book was found in an ancient Vatican public library, just like the "Lost Book of Popes" by Nostradamus I suppose. Kind of convenient don't you think? The show talked about how the book predicts the end of the world in 2012. WTF? Old Nossy said the first time around something like 4528 would be the end of the world. Now it's claimed that the interpreter's made a mistake the first time. I believe that like I believe in the Easter Bunny. My first question is who is this librarian in Vatican City? That person should be fired. Lots of lost books being found there. Where's the card index? Microfiche?

Seeing that the globalists want a North American Union by 2010 probably doesn't have anything to do with this 2012 myth though.

Several political events also take place in 2012. October 2012 is when Pakistan's dictator Musharraf seeks to have new elections. The United States will be holding presidential elections in November 2012. Some speculators in the United Kingdom believe Price Harry will be handed the throne in 2012, the year he is to turn 33.

These events hold important meaning but do not declare the end of mankind. It's more preparation for the unknown in my opinion. The earths history tells us that catastrophic events have indeed occurred in the past during galactic alignment, but, your chances are still 50/50 that when you sit down to eat lunch at McDonald's that someone will open fire with an automatic assault weapon.

Live in fear of 2012, nonsense. Fear is a useful emotion though, it tends to keep me motivated on educating myself about the real global corruption happening.

Celestial and inner planetary events have been happening for a long time folks. I hope no one falls for this myth put forth by the global syndicate, but I'm sure people will flock like good little sheep.

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Friday, December 21, 2007

Reuters Skews Ron Paul Tea Party Results

Reuters reported on December 16th, at 10:20pm, that Ron Paul Had earned $4.5 million in one day and haven't updated the story since. The story was written with an hour and a half left to go. They also state that Dr. Paul had earned $16 million in the fourth quarter, the Tea Party ended at just over $18 million. Everyone knows that the Tea Party earned well over $6 million in that 24 hours. Why doesn't Reuters tell the truth?

It took Reuters several weeks to add Dr. Paul to their candidates page but good old Hitlary is right at the top. Gee, I wonder what the message there is. When they did finally update their site, they give false information designed to confuse the American people. Why is Reuters so afraid of Ron Paul?

The 2008 primary elections are sure to be entertaining, I can't wait to see what the global syndicate has hidden up their sleeve.

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Thursday, December 20, 2007

Lakota Sioux Indians Secede From US

The White Buffalo Has Returned...............

WASHINGTON, DC - December 20 - Lakota Sioux Indian representatives declared sovereign nation status today in Washington D.C. following Monday's withdrawal from all previously signed treaties with the United States Government.

The withdrawal, hand delivered to Daniel Turner, Deputy Director of Public Liaison at the State Department, immediately and irrevocably ends all agreements between the Lakota Sioux Nation of Indians and the United States Government outlined in the 1851 and 1868 Treaties at Fort Laramie Wyoming.
"This is an historic day for our Lakota people," declared Russell Means, Itacan of Lakota. "United States colonial rule is at its end!"
"Today is a historic day and our forefathers speak through us. Our Forefathers made the treaties in good faith with the sacred Canupa and with the knowledge of the Great Spirit," shared Garry Rowland from Wounded Knee. "They never honored the treaties, that's the reason we are here today."

The four member Lakota delegation traveled to Washington D.C. culminating years of internal discussion among treaty representatives of the various Lakota communities. Delegation members included well known activist and actor Russell Means, Women of All Red Nations (WARN) founder Phyllis Young, Oglala Lakota Strong Heart Society leader Duane Martin Sr., and Garry Rowland, Leader Chief Big Foot Riders. Means, Rowland, Martin Sr. were all members of the 1973 Wounded Knee takeover.

"In order to stop the continuous taking of our resources – people, land, water and children- we have no choice but to claim our own destiny," said Phyllis Young, a former Indigenous representative to the United Nations and representative from Standing Rock.

Property ownership in the five state area of Lakota now takes center stage. Parts of North and South Dakota, Nebraska, Wyoming and Montana have been illegally homesteaded for years despite knowledge of Lakota as predecessor sovereign [historic owner]. Lakota representatives say if the United States does not enter into immediate diplomatic negotiations, liens will be filed on real estate transactions in the five state region, clouding title over literally thousands of square miles of land and property.
Young added, "The actions of Lakota are not intended to embarrass the United States but to simply save the lives of our people".

Following Monday's withdrawal at the State Department, the four Lakota Itacan representatives have been meeting with foreign embassy officials in order to hasten their official return to the Family of Nations.
Lakota's efforts are gaining traction as Bolivia, home to Indigenous President Evo Morales, shared they are "very, very interested in the Lakota case" while Venezuela received the Lakota delegation with "respect and solidarity."

"Our meetings have been fruitful and we hope to work with these countries for better relations," explained Garry Rowland. "As a nation, we have equal status within the national community."
Education, energy and justice now take top priority in emerging Lakota. "Cultural immersion education is crucial as a next step to protect our language, culture and sovereignty," said Means. "Energy independence using solar, wind, geothermal, and sugar beets enables Lakota to protect our freedom and provide electricity and heating to our people."
The Lakota reservations are among the most impoverished areas in North America, a shameful legacy of broken treaties and apartheid policies. Lakota has the highest death rate in the United States and Lakota men have the lowest life expectancy of any nation on earth, excluding AIDS, at approximately 44 years. Lakota infant mortality rate is five times the United States average and teen suicide rates 150% more than national average. 97% of Lakota people live below the poverty line and unemployment hovers near 85%.

"After 150 years of colonial enforcement, when you back people into a corner there is only one alternative," emphasized Duane Martin Sr. "The only alternative is to bring freedom into its existence by taking it back to the love of freedom, to our lifeway."

We are the freedom loving Lakota from the Sioux Indian reservations of Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota and Montana who have traveled to Washington DC to withdraw from the constitutionally mandated treaties to become a free and independent country. We are alerting the Family of Nations we have now reassumed our freedom and independence with the backing of Natural, International, and United States law.

For more information, please visit our new website at

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Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Message From Ron Paul

December 17, 2007

What a day! I am humbled and inspired, grateful and thrilled for this
vast outpouring of support.

On just one day, in honor of the 234th anniversary of the Boston Tea
Party, the new American revolutionaries brought in $6.04 million, another
one-day record. The average donation was $102; we had 58,407
individual contributors, of whom an astounding 24,915 were first-time donors.

And it was an entirely voluntary, self-organized, decentralized,
independent effort on the internet. Must be the "spammers" I keep hearing

The establishment is baffled and worried, and well they should be. They
keep asking me who runs our internet fundraising and controls our
volunteers. To these top-down central planners, a spontaneous order like
our movement is science-fiction. But you and I know it's real: as real as
the American people's yearning for freedom, peace, and prosperity, as
real as all the men and women who have sacrificed for our ideals, in
the past and today.

And how neat to see celebrations all across the world, with Tea Parties
from France to New Zealand. This is how we can spread the ideals of
our country, through voluntary emulation, not bombs and bribes. Of
course, there were hundreds in America.

As I dropped in on a cheering, laughing crowd of about 600 near my home
in Freeport, Texas, I noted that they call us "angry." Well, we are
the happiest, most optimistic "angry" movement ever, and the most
diverse. What unites us is a love of liberty, and a determination to fix what
is wrong with our country, from the Fed to the IRS, from warfare to
welfare. But otherwise we are a big tent.

Said the local newspaper
( "The
elderly sat with teens barely old enough to vote. The faces were black,
Hispanic, Asian and white. There was no fear in their voices as they spoke
boldly with each other about the way the country should be. Held close
like a deeply held secret, Paul has brought them out of the disconnect
they feel between what they know to be true and where the country has
been led."

Thanks also to the 500 or so who braved the blizzard in Boston to go to
Faneuil Hall. My son Rand told me what a great time he had with you.

A few mornings ago on, I saw a YouTube of a 14-year-old
boy that summed up our whole movement for me. This well-spoken young
man, who could have passed in knowledge for a college graduate, told how
he heard our ideas being denounced. So he decided to Google. He read
some of my speeches, and thought, these make sense. Then he studied US
foreign policy of recent years, and came to the conclusion that we are
right. So he persuaded his father to drop Rudy Giuliani and join our

All over America, all over the world, we are inspiring real change.
With the wars and the spying, the spending and the taxing, the inflation
and the credit crisis, our ideas have never been more needed. Please
help me spread them in all 50 states.

Victory for liberty! That is our goal, and nothing less.
Paid for by the Ron Paul 2008 Presidential Campaign Committee.

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Monday, December 17, 2007

Ron Paul Takes Glenn Beck To School

Tuesday evening Dr. Ron Paul made a much anticipated appearance on the Glenn Beck show, which airs on CNN's Headline News. I've been waiting for this interview and I wasn't disappointed.

Beck really showed his lack of education on domestic policy, the Bush administration and the federal reserve system. Almost seemed a bit to convenient for him. I expected Beck to attack Dr. Paul with a barrage of misinformation and try to confuse the entire purpose of the "revolution". It didn't work.

Beck repeatedly plugged his own book, which is full of distorted facts and obscure views. He made every attempt at feeding this same bull to Dr. Paul, calling his views "controvesial" and not mainstream. Does Beck live on another planet or is he really that stupid? Several times Dr. Paul had to explain away insane conspiracy theroies manifested by Beck, designed to discredit Ron Paul supporters. I admit there are some very extreme individuals with bazzar theroies about things like 911, but Dr. Paul has never claimed to be associated with any of them.

This was hardly a fair interview given that Beck has an agenda of his own. Dr Paul never the less, was flawless as usual and continued his message of change. Once again Dr. Paul has proven that he is the force to be reckoned with. The knowledge this man holds is remarkable. I can understand why the other candidates are scared. They don't want to debate Ron Paul face to face.

Mainstream media has barely covered the successful Tea Party 07 nuclear "money bomb", which broke all fundraising efforts in the history of campaigning. Imagine that for a moment and then ask yourself, why?

I find the answer rather mind boggling but in the end it boils down to this: Mainstream media is controlled by the world corporate elite and they have an agenda. People like N.M. Rothschild, for example, owns Reuters and the Associated Press, where the majority of your news comes from. 95% of what you hear and see in the news is controlled by Rothschild and his minions.

David Rockefeller is another master of deception. This dude is one evil individual. The kind that kills small animals in front of babies kind of evil. There are many people involved with trying to bury Dr. Paul and his message, but they won't be successful. Even if Ron Paul isn't elected president, and he probably won't be, the revolution won't be denied.

I will support Dr. Paul's vision for the rest of my life and I don't accept the media telling me not too. I have a family that is very important to me and I will stand up to the new world order without hesitation.

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Sunday, December 16, 2007

Ron Paul Tea Party Nuclear Money Bomb Breaks Record - Again

December 16th, 2007 Tea Party

Ghost Rider Ron Paul Smokes the Competition with 1 Day Nuclear Money Bomb: Watch For Fallout..........

I began watching the Ron Paul campaign website shortly after midnight and what a show it was. At first I was a bit skeptical but as it turns out, it was the most gratifying event I have witnessed in quite some time.
Several times I witnessed an influx of $200k + in donations within seconds of each other. More than $6 million dollars was raised, showing the strength of the revolution and the emergence of a new era in political history. The people have spoken and it’s a beautiful thing.

More than 20,000 new supporters donated to Tea Party 07, with more than 50,000 new donations for the week. The total raised so far in the 4th quarter is over $18 million! Still 2 weeks to go in 2007. This effort beats John Kerry's $5.7 million one day event and forges Dr. Paul's place in American history. Suck on that Hillary and Obama.

Dr. Paul is the first presidential candidate I’ve ever supported. The reason is simple, change. Ron Paul offers a new path for my children and inspires hope in the American people. I’ve never seen anything like this “revolution” before. I’ve only read about it in history books.

I hate to compare the Paul campaign with Ross Perot, but not since those infamous pie charts have the American people been worked into such a feeding frenzy. I didn’t care much for Perot during his run as president and still don't. He was good at getting his message out but the messages weren't the most relevant of the time.

Dr. Paul has my respect and that doesn’t come easy. From the boat load of candidates I managed to choose one. I’m not a democrat, republican or an independent. I have researched all of the presidential candidates and Ron Paul sticks out like a sore thumb. He stands for 95% of what I believe in and that is by far too great to be a coincidence.

The last thing a person should do is make a choice for president based on what they read here. Find the facts and make an intelligent decision based on those facts. This country is dissolving quickly folks and it’s time for the American people to stand up and notice. A lot of you already are. Viva La Revolucion!

Dr. Ron Paul has my vote. What have you done to protect freedom lately?

You can still donate at Excellent Job to Everyone Involved!

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Ron Paul Tea Party Near $4 Million With 6 hours To Go

Below is an email I just received from the Ron Paul campaign...........

December 16, 2007
This day keeps getting more unbelievable! For those of you who might not know yet, today is quickly turning into a spectacular fundraising day for Ron Paul. You've already raised over $3.7 million since midnight!

Over 30,000 of your fellow Americans have made a contribution today, including more than 13,000 who have done so for the first time.
As always, you're helping Ron Paul blow past everyone's expectations and moving Dr. Paul one step closer to President Paul. We're all honored to be a part of this historic campaign. We have nothing but admiration for the support that each of you gives everyday to Ron Paul and the cause of freedom.

How high can we go? Who knows! If you've been considering making a donation to our campaign, please help us shatter every possible fundraising record by donating today:

Have fun watching the new graphic on our website: but don't forget to ask your friends to donate, too!
Jonathan BydlakFundraising DirectorRon Paul 2008

Paul Reissaus

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Ron Paul Tea Party Raises $1.9 million In Under 12 hours


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North American Union Agenda Is Treason

Enough Already!

The federal government of the United States has taken enough from the American people. Has everyone gone brain dead? Do you just sit at home in fear and play witness to what’s happening to our society or are you blind? It’s time to take a stand for something people and it’s gonna’ get ugly. Real ugly.

I’m sick and tired of all the little sissies whining about stupid shit. Get serious! We’re on the brink of extinction and it seems that most people are too lazy or too busy to pay attention.

The sovereignty of the United States is on the line this time. The Bush administration is committing treason with these trade treaties they’re signing and if it isn’t stopped, the American dream will become a nightmare. Read on if you’ve got the guts.

I started following the North American Free Trade Agreement in 1990, when I first learned of it's existance. It was the dawn of a new era in free trade, or so I thought. By 1993 I had obtained my class A CDL and was hauling freight in all of the lower 48 states. Believe me when I tell you that I’ve “Been there, done that”. I’ve seen so much shit since 1993 that it’s sometimes hard to comprehend all of it.

Nafta was the first shot fired on the American people in my opinion. Trade deal after trade deal has been implemented since then, specifically designed to bring Canada, Mexico, and the US into a North American Union, and eventually into a World Union.

This isn’t a conspiracy folks, its really happening. I’m the biggest critic in the world when it comes to conspiracies and I’m 110% convinced this isn’t one. The hours of research trying to disprove the NAU have only made me angrier.

If the people of this country don’t stand together in revolt and demand the NAU agenda be fully disclosed and its architect’s brought to trial for treason, then just burn the constitution and fuck everyone that died for it.

200 years out the window. Clinton, the Bush family, Reagan, Carter; all of these monkeys had something to do with it too. But that’s not even the tip of the proverbial iceberg. This current plan of attack on the people of the US dates back to the 1930’s when Prescott Bush attempted a coup d'état, according to author Naomi Wolf. That’s right, GW’s grandpappy.

During WW2 the Bush family assets were held by the US government for charges that Prescott Bush was a financier of Hitler. It’s no joke, this situation has a long list of skeleton’s in the closet. Research it for yourself, the facts don’t lie.

The American Civil War wasn’t even close to what we’re facing now. Do you want to live in a concentration camp? I refuse to be a victim of these monsters. A good place to start your research is . Just start clicking on links and you’ll understand what I’m trying to say here, on your terms. I have Alex Jones’ Endgame and Terrorstorm videos posted there and more documentation than you can shake a stick at.

I’ll stop for now, before I start insulting the Vatican………

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Message From Ron Paul 12-15-07

I made my donation, what have you done to protect freedom lately???

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Thursday, December 13, 2007

Colorado church shooter committed suicide

USAtoday reports that the Colorado church shooter committed suicide according to the medical examiners report. BS.

When this first occurred it was stated by local reporter's that the shooter was killed by the church's volunteer security guard. Then the security guard confirmed on live television that she 1) Emerged from cover 2) Identified herself 3) Began shooting and dropped the attacker.

Funny how the spin begins.

How did this guy manage to kill himself after being repeatedly shot by the security guard?

In every recent instance I can recall, this type of shooter always kills themselves after "making a statement". WTF - What statement are they trying to make? I don't get it. I fail to see the logic behind this type of act. If you wanted to make a statement, wouldn't you rather go out in a hail of gunfire instead of taking your own life? Suicide has never made much sense to me but the rate of increase among teens is staggering. Perhaps it's because of all the Ritalin babies.

Are these kids screaming for someone to help or are they being manipulated into committing these crimes? Somethin' ain't right.

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Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Republican Presidential Candidate Debate - Iowa

A unique perspective.......

December 12, 2007

During the Wednesday debate it occurred to me that the candidate’s personality says a lot about how they will be as president.

So I muted the television and began watching their body language for a bit and thinking about all the things I’ve heard in the last year about these guys. I realized there lies a unique individual in each of these 9 candidates.

Here are my opinions of the republican candidates to date.

Rep. Ron Paul – Texas – Not enough coverage, has my vote. Talks straight and has an open mind. I don’t agree 100% with everything he says, but I trust his word, something I don’t feel with the other candidates. All the others appear to be working for the corporation and not the American people.

Mike Huckabee – AK – Preacher, cockeyed, Chuck Norris might kick your ass, could vote for as vice president. I could never vote for a cockeyed preacher from Arkansas as president though.

Tom Tancredo – CO – Undecided, there’s something about this guy I can’t quite put my finger on.

Fred Thompson – Should stick to movies, I like his movies and his wife.

Mitt Romney – MA – Bush Boy Bot, too perfect, probably a closet homosexual.

Rep. Duncan Hunter – CA – California is a socialist republic run by communists, his buddy “Aulnold” might have you terminated.

Rudy Giuliani – Mob boss’ son, might have you whacked, works for the Queen (could also be one?). Has a bad record with NYPD, NYFD and NY Port Authority.

John McCain – AZ – Definitely could be a Nazi, possible rape victim. I don’t trust this guy for a minute.

Alan Keyes – Idiot

Moderator – Appeared to have something large shoved up her ass.

Democratic Presidential Debate Candidates review coming soon…….

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The Amero Dollar and the Loss of Cultural Sovereignty

A lot of talk is beginning to stir about the coming Amero dollar and what it will mean for the American people. In 1999 The Fraser Institute, a Canadian think tank, published a report called “The Case for the Amero, The Economics and Politics of a North American Monetary Union”.

This report outlines the North American monetary integration process and the so called “benefits” it will bring. The report is a result of the successful introduction of the Euro and the official “dollarization” of the Argentina and Mexico currencies.

Quote from the report’s executive summary:

The plan for a North American Monetary Union presented in this study is designed to include Canada, the United States, and Mexico. Under the proposed plan, bank notes and coins of the currency (tentatively called the Amero) will have Amero symbols on one side and national emblems on the other to preserve national symbols of national identity.”

I have a 50 page summary at that explains the integration process and loss of cultural sovereignty that goes with it. This isn’t a joke anymore; we really are headed toward a fascist dictatorship. Research and compare Nazi Germany to the Bush family legacy of deceit, unbelievable. In fact, Grandaddy Prescott Bush was a financier of Hitler!

Everyone interested in national sovereignty needs to call their congressman and demand an investigation into the activities surrounding the North American Union (even if they choose not to call it that) or before you know it there won’t be a United States of America (even if the name remains the same). The processes by which the NAU is being formed are treasonous and impeachable to say the least.

More to come soon……………

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