Friday, December 21, 2007

Reuters Skews Ron Paul Tea Party Results

Reuters reported on December 16th, at 10:20pm, that Ron Paul Had earned $4.5 million in one day and haven't updated the story since. The story was written with an hour and a half left to go. They also state that Dr. Paul had earned $16 million in the fourth quarter, the Tea Party ended at just over $18 million. Everyone knows that the Tea Party earned well over $6 million in that 24 hours. Why doesn't Reuters tell the truth?

It took Reuters several weeks to add Dr. Paul to their candidates page but good old Hitlary is right at the top. Gee, I wonder what the message there is. When they did finally update their site, they give false information designed to confuse the American people. Why is Reuters so afraid of Ron Paul?

The 2008 primary elections are sure to be entertaining, I can't wait to see what the global syndicate has hidden up their sleeve.

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