Saturday, December 22, 2007

The 2012 Myth

Seems a bit silly if you ask me. The Mayan calender ends December 22, 2012. What does this mean? Other than it is a time of galactic alignment, maybe they simply got sick of writing or the artist died. So what if the Indians believe we are heading into our 5th world. They are still here to tell about it and I expect I will be here well after 12/22/2012.

The Mayan prophecies aren't really prophecies at all, rather mere observations that were known to repeat and therefore documented. It's like saying Sunday will come, how prophetic. Sunday, by the way, isn't what you think either.

Recently the History Channel aired "The Lost Book of Nostradamus". This apparent lost book was found in an ancient Vatican public library, just like the "Lost Book of Popes" by Nostradamus I suppose. Kind of convenient don't you think? The show talked about how the book predicts the end of the world in 2012. WTF? Old Nossy said the first time around something like 4528 would be the end of the world. Now it's claimed that the interpreter's made a mistake the first time. I believe that like I believe in the Easter Bunny. My first question is who is this librarian in Vatican City? That person should be fired. Lots of lost books being found there. Where's the card index? Microfiche?

Seeing that the globalists want a North American Union by 2010 probably doesn't have anything to do with this 2012 myth though.

Several political events also take place in 2012. October 2012 is when Pakistan's dictator Musharraf seeks to have new elections. The United States will be holding presidential elections in November 2012. Some speculators in the United Kingdom believe Price Harry will be handed the throne in 2012, the year he is to turn 33.

These events hold important meaning but do not declare the end of mankind. It's more preparation for the unknown in my opinion. The earths history tells us that catastrophic events have indeed occurred in the past during galactic alignment, but, your chances are still 50/50 that when you sit down to eat lunch at McDonald's that someone will open fire with an automatic assault weapon.

Live in fear of 2012, nonsense. Fear is a useful emotion though, it tends to keep me motivated on educating myself about the real global corruption happening.

Celestial and inner planetary events have been happening for a long time folks. I hope no one falls for this myth put forth by the global syndicate, but I'm sure people will flock like good little sheep.

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