Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Pope Benedicts Silent Call For World Governance

Pope Benedict on Tuesday gave his annual Christmas message to tens of thousands in attendance and over 1 billion loyal sheep worldwide. I listened to his sermon and have concluded that this was just another Vatican call for world governance.

Here's a quote from the sermon:

"May the light of Christ, which comes to enlighten every human being, shine forth and bring consolation to those who live in the darkness of poverty, injustice and war".

"Christmas should bring hope to those still denied their legitimate aspirations for a more secure existence, for health, education, stable employment, for fuller participation in civil and political responsibilities, free from oppression and protected from conditions that offend against human dignity".

To some this is just a simple statement but to me it's much more. My research tells me conclusively that the Vatican is a main player in the new world order ideology. Pope Benedict, or should I call him Pope Corleone, sits at the head of the most corrupt criminal organization in the world and that's a fact.

Watch Godfather III sometime, it's a true story!

When a person is free to open their mind and read between the lines of the Popes statement, the call for one world governance is clear. A "secure existence" is what the NWO proposes in almost every instance. "Health, education, employment", this works very nicely into the NWO's global agenda. The entire sermon is based on world governance, just a lot of fluff added to keep the masses dumb.

He warned that "ethnic, religious and political tensions, instability, rivalry, disagreements, and all forms of injustice and discrimination are destroying the internal fabric of many countries and embittering international relations".

According to members of the elite Bilderberg Group, none of this would be a problem under one world governance. Some things are obvious on the outside but people must make the time to educate themselves or be prepared to sleep in the bed they make.

The following two excerpts are from the Council on Foreign Relations report "Building a North American Community".

{The global challenges faced by North America cannot be met solely through unilateral or bilateral efforts or existing patterns of cooperation. They require deepened cooperation based on the principle, affirmed in the March 2005 joint statement by Canada, Mexico, and the United States, that ‘‘our security and prosperity are mutually dependent and complementary.’’

Establishment by 2010 of a security and economic community for North America is an ambitious but achievable goal that is consistent with this principle and, more important, buttresses the goals and values of the citizens of North America, who share a desire for safe and secure societies, economic opportunity and prosperity, and strong democratic institutions" }

To me this has the same look and feel of the Pontiffs sermon. It isn't just one source creating this new world order, it's a collective of elites, rulers, kings and presidents that are in one way or another forced into line by the collective itself.

Situations such as terrorist attacks and massive disaster shock, are key components that are intentionally used to force countries and populations into making decisions they would otherwise never have to make.

Today it's all in the name of one world governance, yesterday it was one world religion, which by the way, is now included in the NWO's overall agenda. The Vatican is the largest proponent of mass genocide in the world and history states this as a fact.

"The popes were temporal rulers of the civil territory and they naturally had recourse to force the re-establishment or extend the States of the Church until the conclusion of peace was confirmed ... their attempts to purify particularly the Duchy of Rome caused them considerable distress and the need to resort to violence, but always on the side of mercy ... lives were lost in the service of truth but the legal basis for the Christian Church to hold and transmit properties for the benefit of revenues was given to them [the popes] by Emperor Constantine in 312." (Catholic Encyclopedia, Pecci ed., ii, pp. 157—169)

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