Sunday, December 16, 2007

North American Union Agenda Is Treason

Enough Already!

The federal government of the United States has taken enough from the American people. Has everyone gone brain dead? Do you just sit at home in fear and play witness to what’s happening to our society or are you blind? It’s time to take a stand for something people and it’s gonna’ get ugly. Real ugly.

I’m sick and tired of all the little sissies whining about stupid shit. Get serious! We’re on the brink of extinction and it seems that most people are too lazy or too busy to pay attention.

The sovereignty of the United States is on the line this time. The Bush administration is committing treason with these trade treaties they’re signing and if it isn’t stopped, the American dream will become a nightmare. Read on if you’ve got the guts.

I started following the North American Free Trade Agreement in 1990, when I first learned of it's existance. It was the dawn of a new era in free trade, or so I thought. By 1993 I had obtained my class A CDL and was hauling freight in all of the lower 48 states. Believe me when I tell you that I’ve “Been there, done that”. I’ve seen so much shit since 1993 that it’s sometimes hard to comprehend all of it.

Nafta was the first shot fired on the American people in my opinion. Trade deal after trade deal has been implemented since then, specifically designed to bring Canada, Mexico, and the US into a North American Union, and eventually into a World Union.

This isn’t a conspiracy folks, its really happening. I’m the biggest critic in the world when it comes to conspiracies and I’m 110% convinced this isn’t one. The hours of research trying to disprove the NAU have only made me angrier.

If the people of this country don’t stand together in revolt and demand the NAU agenda be fully disclosed and its architect’s brought to trial for treason, then just burn the constitution and fuck everyone that died for it.

200 years out the window. Clinton, the Bush family, Reagan, Carter; all of these monkeys had something to do with it too. But that’s not even the tip of the proverbial iceberg. This current plan of attack on the people of the US dates back to the 1930’s when Prescott Bush attempted a coup d'état, according to author Naomi Wolf. That’s right, GW’s grandpappy.

During WW2 the Bush family assets were held by the US government for charges that Prescott Bush was a financier of Hitler. It’s no joke, this situation has a long list of skeleton’s in the closet. Research it for yourself, the facts don’t lie.

The American Civil War wasn’t even close to what we’re facing now. Do you want to live in a concentration camp? I refuse to be a victim of these monsters. A good place to start your research is . Just start clicking on links and you’ll understand what I’m trying to say here, on your terms. I have Alex Jones’ Endgame and Terrorstorm videos posted there and more documentation than you can shake a stick at.

I’ll stop for now, before I start insulting the Vatican………

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