Monday, January 28, 2008

President Bush Gives Final State of the Union Address

In his final State of the Union address, President Bush on Monday announced a North American Summit between Canada, Mexico, and the United States scheduled for April 2008 in New Orleans. The North American Summit will address further integration and security issues the North American Union Agenda now faces.

Bush said more trade agreements like the one recently passed in Peru, are needed in Columbia; Panama; S. Korea. Strategic interests were sited for growth of worldwide free trade. First upcoming agreement - Columbia. Bush claimed false populism will be promoted without the Columbia trade agreement. The CIA needs easy access to move their drugs through Panama and Columbia for distribution throughout the United States and SE Asia.

Bush encouraged "a prompt up or down vote" on Supreme Court Justices that will define the constitution and rule by the letter of the law. Are you ready to lose your right to keep and bear arms in May of this year? Are you ready for further oppression? Military State coming to a neighborhood near you!

On immigration Bush referred to the implementation of advanced border technologies, border fences at key crossings, ending catch and release is working, find lawful way for foreign workers to come here and support our economy and a sensible way to take care if illegals already here. In other words -amnesty, amnesty, amnesty, integration, integration, integration. And in case I forgot to mention - amnesty and integration. Call his buddy Vicente Fox and ask him what the Bush administration view is on securing the border and immigration.

Ideological struggle for the 21st century. Defeat terrorists in Iraq, Pakistan, Lebanon, and the Palestinian territories. "We are spreading the hope of freedom" Bush added. Yea, your spreading something alright. Quite thick I might add.

We are face to face with a grim reality - How much irreversable damage will the United States suffer at the hands of the Bush administration during the next 11 months?

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Tuesday, January 22, 2008

World Financial Chain About To Snap

The downward spiral of the US dollar has magnified the world economic crisis. As governments around the world continue to print money out of thin air, total financial and economic collapse appears imminent.

There are many to blame for this; probably one of the more responsible individuals would be the now dead founder of economic disaster capitalism, Milton Friedman. It's no secret that Friedman ideology has played a major role in many failed governments and economic collapses during the last 40 years.

It's hard to imagine that someone could be so sinister as to intentionally set the stage for the complete compromise of an entire society. The last statement Friedman made before his death was to insure the demolition of housing in New Orleans, and in place build new condominiums, most of which the previous residents could never afford. Of course Friedman didn't act alone, his ideology has been taught to economic majors at leading universities all over the world.

Billionaire investor George Soros recently said the world was facing the worst financial crisis since World War Two and the United States was threatened with recession.

Looking at the current global stock market trend, the world economic chain could snap at anytime. Investors aren't convinced by the $150 Billion infusion Bush has offered and are selling as fast as they can.

This FIAT currency system by which we live is about to come full circle. The economic disaster capitalists have been waiting for this to happen for a long time. Milton Friedman developed a system that destroys societies, yet he remains a god among his disciples. Chile and Argentina were the two main laboratories for Friedman during the 1970's. Study the history of Pinochet and you will discover the roots of what is happening in the United States.

Cash infusions, massive stock collapse across the board, foreign investment groups buying up American assets, and all our government can do is provide a short term partial fix that doesn't address the real problem. A change of economic ideology is the only way this imminent collapse will be contained.

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Sunday, January 20, 2008

Operation American Freedom - Take Back Your Country

NOTICE: This site is intended for individuals and groups to use as a plan of attack during Operation American Freedom - Super Tuesday Chaos. Please feel free to leave your comments and suggestions by clicking the "comments" link in the left hand column of this page. Ron Paul Revolution 2008!


Ron Paul Revolution Super Tuesday Chaos. The weekend leading up to Super Tuesday is the time to mobilize. Every group needs at least one blowhorn, and loads of Ron Paul signage and flyer's! Videotape and take pictures of activites and post at Ron Paul's Flickr site! Prepare For War!

4 Days of Havoc - Vote for Ron Paul or Die: Saturday Feb. 2nd; Sunday Feb. 3rd; Monday Feb 4th; Super Tuesday Feb. 5th

Organize your meet-up group for "Operation American Freedom". We need foot soldiers of all ages on the ground. Don't wait, organize now! Your freedom is in jeopardy!

Saturday February 2, 2008 - Newspaper Ads Start. Place 2-3 line ad in local newspapers in support of Ron Paul before their weekend deadline, which is typically Wednesday or Thursday. Place ad in any classified category allowed.

Letter's To The Editor: Mail letter's to the editor of all local newspapers. State why you want Ron Paul for president and include a copy of the constitution. Group's gather intel on major local papers and have at least 100 people send 1 letter to each paper. Keep it clean and to the point, save your rants for the internet.

Mass Mail Constitution Blitz - Cover America with the Constitution. Local groups prepare letter's, and gather intel on local businesses for mass mailing ASAP. Canvas Apartment complexes, Times Square, Expo & Convention Centers, Shopping Malls, etc.

DVD Information Bombs - Burn Arron Russo's "America: Freedom to Fascism", and the HBO documentry "Hacking Democracy" to disk and hand out. All out Ron Paul info Blitz. Canvas, Canvas, Canvas!

Sunday February 3, 2008 - Gather at major local events; such as convention/expo centers, races, football stadiums - and hand out Ron Paul info as people enter, display Ron Paul signs in mass.

Ron Paul banners and signs held at highway overpasses on all major interstates surrounding major events. Call everyone you know!

Launch the Ron Paul Air Corps in major cities.

Simultaneous Shortwave Transmission Worldwide - Ron Paul "Issues 2008" - 9am and 5pm CST

Monday February 4, 2008 - Million Man Freedom March. Surround the White House in civilized Ron Paul support. Gather at all major City Hall buildings and support Ron Paul. Call the local media and announce the Ron Paul Revolution Invasion.

Banner Brigade - Hands Across America - Stretch Ron Paul Banners Coast-to-Coast.

Charity Donation Money Bomb. New Orleans - Brad Pitt's "Make it Right Foundation" Rebuild The Lower Ninth Ward

Super Tuesday February 5, 2008 - Full Assault. Take No Prisoners. Scatter RP Flyer's From Atop High-rise Buildings.

Mardi Gras Invasion - Launch the Air Corps and Blimp - Drop Ron Paul Flyers In Mass

"Food for Freedom" Tactical Assault: Groups organize BBQ at local truckstops, feed the truckers and have them join the revolution. Ask the drivers to display Ron Paul banners on their trucks. Some groups may wish to organize free car washes and/or volunteer at homeless shelters as well. Whatever you do take along the weber and some charcoal. Ask local meat lockers to donate meat for the BBQ, some grocery stores will donate food and supplies to the revolution. Brats, hotdogs, burgers, steak, and a bit of applewood smoke should seal the election. RONPAULAPALOOZA 2008!


You can start these activities at any time prior to Super Tuesday, but the goal is to have as many people participating at once as possible. Strategic exposure, just prior to Feb. 5th, will be a statement to mass media and make everyone more aware of Ron Paul in a unique way. Feel free to continue these activities beyond the dates set forth here.

Be sure to push the vote, every citizen in primary election states must cast their ballot on Super Tuesday. Encourage people to become precinct leaders.


Copy & Paste This Link To All Forums And Emails: Help Spread The Word Fast!!!

Click on Ron Paul Info tab for important links.

ORDER RON PAUL SIGNS AND INFO NOW (7-10 days delivery)

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Operation American Freedom


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Thursday, January 17, 2008

World Bank Shuts Down Amid Bomb Threat

The World Bank said on Thursday its security was investigating a bomb threat made by telephone and asked its staff at its Washington headquarters to stay home on Friday.

"The bank is working with law enforcement officials to determine the validity of the threat," the bank said in a statement.

"As a precautionary measure, Bank group management has decided to close all World Bank group leased and owned buildings in Washington on Friday," it added.

What exactly did these idiots think would happen when people started waking up and realizing they were being used as commodities? I'm suprised the outrage has kept cool this long, and fully expect intensified revolt by the American people when the dollar fully collapses.

The Bush administration is getting ready to announce a $150 billion infusion into the American economy. This will only serve as a temporary fix, probably long enough to get through the elections. Problem is that the money is being printed out of thin air, again, which will only drive the value of the dollar lower.

Join "Operation American Freedom" in support of Ron Paul For President 2008!

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Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Iraq Defense Minister Says US Must Stay Until 2018

If you haven't already, it's time to accept a long term commitment in Iraq. The governments plan is to stay the course at all cost.

Iraqi Defense Minister Abdul Qadir in Washington on Monday stated:

"According to our calculations and our timelines, we think that from the first quarter of 2009 until 2012 we will be able to take full control of the internal affairs of the country. In regard to the borders, regarding protection from any external threats, our calculation appears that we are not going to be able to answer to any external threats until 2018 to 2020."

Calculations? A rocket scientist couldn't figure out the mess in Iraq. Might as well say indefinately, like Korea or Japan or any of the number of other permanent Military Police Bases around the world.

The thought of ending this illegal occupation isn't even on the agenda for the Bush administration. Invading Iran and Pakistan are though. The destabilization efforts in the Middle East are becoming more blatant everyday. Pakistan is in virtual ruin over the CIA assassination of Benazir Bhutto. Our Navy is set to stage another Gulf of Tonkin incident over an Iranian speedboat in the Strait of Hormuz, based on the voice of an inland radio hack. Trigger fingers are real itchy.

Our government is equipping Sunni rebels in Iraq with weapons, to aid in continuing the neighborhood infighting. What is this doing to curb violence? I cannot understand why congress continues to support the war in Iraq. Bunch of bought and paid for pansies in Washington.

Dr. Ron Paul has exposed the United States Federal Reserve for what it really is, a vehicle for the continued "War on Terror". Take away the funding source and the globalists won't have the means to wage war.

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Monday, January 14, 2008

Bush Declares Iran Still Global Threat

Decider Bush on Sunday was in Abu Dubai during his Middle East publicity escapade. He begged his Persian Gulf allies to stand against Iran “before it is too late”. This comes after the International Atomic Energy Agency announced that the country had agreed to answer outlandish questions about its nuclear programs within four weeks. In other words, “We’re still going to put an Uzi in your mouth”.

In an address to government and business leaders, Bush focused on what the United States “suspects” are Iran’s nuclear ambitions and its “suspected” support for Islamic groups and militants in Afghanistan, Iraq, Lebanon and the Palestinian territories. Not to mention the horrible things Iran has said about the Easter Bunny.

He called Iran’s government “the world’s leading sponsor of terrorism”, and accused it of imposing repression and economic hardship at home. Sounds like the United States.

“Iran’s actions threaten the security of nations everywhere,” Bush said. “So the United States is strengthening our longstanding security commitments with our friends in the Gulf and rallying friends around the world to confront this danger before it is too late.”

The recent Strait of Hormuz incident appears to be a textbook “Gulf of Tonkin” scenario happening. The Bush administration is deliberately seeking a reason to start a preemptive war with Iran, to justify securing oil reserves in the region. The stage in Iran is being set in the same fashion as Iraq; and the world needs to stop this action in its tracks.

Pakistan is set to implode at any moment by the recent assassination of Benazir Bhutto. The Council on Foreign Relations has shown enormous interest in the recent events in Pakistan. Of course their buddies at Scotland Yard collaborated earlier reports that Al-CIA-Duh is responsible for her death. I expect the intensified shock tactics taking place there now, will only serve to energize destabilization efforts set into motion by the CFR.

Can anyone seriously believe what Bush is doing? He’s using executive powers given after 9/11 to steal the worlds oil and nobody is stopping him. A war with Iran and Pakistan will definitely cause the United States to plunge into deep depression and send oil near $200 per barrel. Ready for $7 per gallon gas? Remember before the “War on Terrorism” oil was selling at $37 per barrel.

Sources confirm the US is simply waiting for the right time to Invade Iran, which isn’t expected for at least another six to eight months. The atmosphere has to be just right for them to proceed with their plans of completely cleaning the slate in the Middle East, but it will happen, whether by the US directly, or through Israel.

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Friday, January 11, 2008

Fake Focus Group Calls Ron Paul Debate Loser

In yet another Faux News fake focus group, the actors were asked who they thought won the South Carolina debate, the concensus was Thompson, which I hate to admit is my view as well. A bit too little too late though.

The next question was Who do you think lost? The actors on que, raised their hands in unison in favor of Ron Paul being the Loser. I couldn't disagree more. Faux News' own text-in poll at one point was showing Ron Paul the winner with 38% and Giuliani the loser with only 5%. Of course Faux only mentioned the other candidates in this poll until the very last minute when they announced Ron Paul the winner. You could hear the dissapointment in Sean Hannity's voice.

Let's see, you have a dying actor (Thompson); a Nazi and possible rape victim (McCain); the son of a crime boss and made guy (Giuliani); a cockeyed preacher from Arkansas that believes it's okay to rape and torture dogs (Hucklabee); George HW Bush's third son and Nazi fascist co-conspirator (Romney); and a hardcore conservative with a long history of being right (RON PAUL!)

This episode of Faux News still has me laughing. An unbelievable level of deceit and shock tactics are being used. Suckabee made a reference to being on target because of all the flak he is taking, Ron Paul is being hit with everything by everyone.

This focus group is the most insane thing I've witnessed in quite some time. The lead actor goes as far as showing a viewer-response-graphic of Dr. Paul's response to the Iran boat incident in recent days. The graph falls off the screen and he says there has never been a viewer response like this. He claims the viewers are completely against what Paul was saying. MYYYYYYYYYY GODDDDDDD! If this is true, how was Dr. Paul able to hands down win the debate, according to Faux's own poll?????????

Not only is Dr.Paul on target, he's gone nuclear, and the globalists are firing back with less-than-leathal munnitions. Their vampire mentallity is illuminated with the light of freedom; and the revolution is surging forward with blood in their eyes!

VIVA LA CONSTITUCION! The answer to 1984 is Ron Paul 2008

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Thursday, January 10, 2008

The Decider Signs HR 2640 NICS Improvement Act

On Tuesday, January 8, 2008, the decider signed into law H.R. 2640, the "NICS Improvement Amendments Act of 2007," which requires information on individuals prohibited from possessing firearms to be transmitted by State and local government and Federal agencies to the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS).

The bill authorizes up to $1.3 billion in grant money for states to improve their ability to track and report individuals who shouldn't qualify to buy a gun legally, including those involuntarily confined by a mental institution. Anyone ever convicted of misdemeanor domestic violence or ajudicated for mental illness will now be included in the NICS system.

Veteran's are concerned that diagnosis given for even mild post-traumatic-stress-disorder, such as concussion, will not be allowed to obtain a firearm under HR 2640.

New York Democrats Sen. Chuck Schumer and Rep. Carolyn McCarthy introduced the bill in 2002 after a shooting that year in a church, but the legislation didn't gain momentum until after the Virginia Tech shootings in April 2007. Virginia Tech gunman Seung-Hui Cho was able to pass a background check and buy two guns even though a Virginia court had deemed him mentally defective.

The passing of this law is another vicious attack on the rights of the American people. I see this as a precursor of what to expect from the US Supreme Court in May on the 2nd Amendment. It covers the issue of Cho but has been deceitfully used to cover the vast majority of the United States.

In typical Bush slight-of-hand fashion, HR 2640 was slipped in while everyone had their eye on the New Hampshire Primary.

Reuters reports that the American people are losing interest in firearms and gun ownership is down over 30%. They attribute this loss of interest to the public wanting the world to have a better view of them. Hogwash!

Citibank is refusing to process firearm purchases by people using their credit cards. Simply not accepting payment is a good way to limit gun sales. Next I'll be hearing that firearms can't be purchased with cash!

By the time this is all said and done I expect only a small percentage of American citizens will have the right to own a firearm. Key indicators suggest a total ban is possible, but I can't really see that happening without total anarchy. I'm sure Dick Cheney will still be allowed to shoot people in the face though.

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Saturday, January 5, 2008

North American Integration Accelerates

In a time when immigration and border security are on the minds of most Americans, the North American Development Bank (NADbank) has spent more than $2 Billion on border infrastructure enhancement projects with Mexico. NADbank was developed under the auspices of NAFTA.

Launched in January 2001, Nadbank initially looked like a good thing for the residents of SW Texas, S. Arizona, S. New Mexico and S. California. The main goal at the time was to bring the residents of these areas up to the living standards of the rest of the US.

By signing agreement after agreement with local governments throughout the Southwest United States, NADbank has developed an extensive network of wastewater treatment facilities at taxpayers expense.This seemingly good initiative quickly turned into something far more sinister, of which NADbank doesn’t want you to know about.

Immediately following the September 11th attacks on the world trade towers, Nadbank stepped up their development schedule. Agreements were being signed so fast that nobody paid any attention to the overall ideology being set in place.

The fact that these agreements included a boundary limit some 186 miles into Mexico, was slid right under the rug at a time when most Americans were still in shock over 9/11.

In December of 2001 the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) joined with NADbank on the Mexican Rio Conchos Watershed Project. This is Canada’s first appearance on the US-Mexican border infrastructure program.What does Canada have to do with US-Mexico relations?

More important, why does Mexico and Canada have anything to do with wastewater treatment projects developed to enhance the lives of US citizens?
More than $160 million was funneled into the border program during 2001, most within 6 weeks after 9/11.

In May 2002 NADbank and the Mexican company Industrial Papelera Solar (Grupo Solar) signed a US$8.59 million loan agreement for the construction of a paper recycling facility and wastewater treatment plant in Región CincoManantiales, Coahuila.

Quote:“This loan is the second one to be signed with a private company in Mexico,” commented Raúl Rodríguez, NADbank Managing Director. “It is a good indication that we are also working hard to finance a larger number of environmental infrastructure projects through private companies interested in investing in the environmental sector.”

The $20.98 million project contemplates integrating a paper production process using cardboard waste as the principal raw material instead of virgin wood resources.After this agreement with Grupo Solar the projects in Mexico accelerate rapidly into the 186 mile boundary zone. Tijuana, Sonora, Coahuila, Chihuahua, and Tamaulipus are just a few of the Mexican territories covered by these border projects.

Now is when the violence among Mexican drug cartel members and NADbank project workers escalates. Kidnappings and murder are the daily norm. Mexico soon sends in their army to curb the violence and insure progress of NADbank projects.

In October of 2002 the Multilateral Development Bank hosts the 5th annual Environmental Business Opportunities Seminar. More than 100 seminar participants from the United States, Mexico, and Canada met with representatives from the North American Development Bank, the Asian Development Bank, the World Bank, the U.S. Trade and Development Agency, and the Overseas Private Investment Corporation.

The seminar represented an important opportunity to meet with several multilateral banks and agencies in one session to explore opportunities for business in Mexico, Latin America and Asia.

Quote:“There are extraordinary opportunities for United States companies to participate in projects and do business with the multilateral development banks,” said Holland. “Private sector economic growth and development is best facilitated in partnership between the U.S. and foreign firms. The development of emerging economies is of critical importance to both those economies and the U.S. economy.”

We are now almost completely removed from the original purpose NADbank was formed. Wastewater and treatment facility projects for US border citizens has turned into “opportunity” within Mexico.

Throughout 2003 the wastewater projects continue to mount. Water distribution and air quality projects are launched in Mexico using NADbank funding. The citizens of the SW United States continue to foot the bill for these projects under the guise of enhancing their own lives. An additional $160 million is funneled into projects during the first 9 months of 2003.

In June 2004 the North American Development Bank signed separate financing agreements with the water utilities in Mexicali and Tijuana, Baja California totalling over $30 million. Things are starting to slow down a bit as some projects near completion and new ones are set to begin.

August 2005 The State of Baja California and NADbank signed financing agreements totaling $9.3 million to continue construction of water and wastewater projects in the cities of Mexicali and Tecate. NADbank also announced the approval of grant funding to carry out studies for the development of future environmental projects in the state.

June 2006 the Board of Directors of the Border Environment Cooperation Commission (BECC) and NADbank met in San Antonio to approve the certification of eight new border infrastructure projects, and the financing of a total of 12 projects aimed at improving environmental quality in the U.S.-Mexico border region.

This was the first meeting of the newly established, single board of directors for both institutions. The role of the BECC is to assist communities and project sponsors in project planning, and to certify projects in order to be eligible for financing by NADbank.

Quote:“Today we took an important step in implementing the reform agenda agreed to by Presidents Bush and Fox in 2002. The single Board of Directors of the BECC and NADB met for the first time today. Among our decisions, we’ve approved loans today that more than double the approved lending of NADB to date” stated Board Chairman Kenneth Peel, Deputy Assistant Secretary of the U.S. Treasury for International Development Finance and Debt. “We hope our work today has put BECC and NADB on a firmer footing going forward” he added.

October 2007 $5.6 million in funding for two environmental infrastructure projects benefiting Playas de Rosarito and Tijuana is authorized by Nadbank.NADB funding consists of a US$3.04 million grant from the Border Environment Infrastructure Fund (BEIF), funded by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), as well as a US$1.52 million loan.

In addition, Tijuana was awarded a US$500,000 grant from NADbank’s Solid Waste Environment Program (SWEP) for the purchase of solid waste collection equipment. This project, which was certified in June, had already received a US$2.27 million loan from the Bank.
With the certification of the Rosarito project, there are now nine projects in Baja California that are receiving Bank funding. These projects represent a total investment of more than $720 million in environmental improvements with the Bank contributing $145.7 million in grants and loans.

What started out as enhancing the quality of life for the Southwest United States, has almost exclusively turned into Mexican border town infrastructure projects. Road paving, environmental projects and a vast network of what appears to be an extension of United States infrastructure, is headed into areas never thought of by the citizens with the signing of that first agreement.Kind of reminds me of what the US government has and is doing to the Native American Indians.

Incrementally, US institutions are integrating the United States and Mexico. Canada and the US are another story entirely but they are well on their way to full integration into the North American Union as well.

This is why the Bush administration will not close the border with Mexico but instead offers a “Smart Border” program, which opens the border to further integration into the Union. One thing I’ve learned over the years, “If it has smart in the title, it ain’t.”
The war on terror is obvious to most as being a front for stealing Middle East oil reserves. The North American Development Bank is only one of many fronts for the North American Union Agenda.

To date more the $2 billion has been spent on border infrastructure enhancement projects with Mexico, and the proposed border fence is still covered in red tape.

It’s time for people to understand that what we face between now and 2012 in the United States of America is more than a loss of national and cultural sovereignty. We are starring down both barrels of the fascism shotgun, on a scale never dreamed of by Adolph Hitler and his Nazi Regime.

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Friday, January 4, 2008

Iowa Caucus Results Skewed By Tampering


After watching the Iowa caucus Thursday night I will never doubt the Ron Paul Revolution again. I can no longer bare to watch the deceit and manipulation set forth by the mass media and globalization movement.

At every turn of the tv channel the corporate elite led alphabet media manipulated the caucus with tactics like "Entrance Polls". Reports of victory for Obama and Huckabee surfaced within 20 minutes of the caucus beginning.

CNN had the whole gang of co-conspirators lined up, ready to spew their deceit. The Bohemian Grove's David Gergen was front and center with ex-CIA mockingbird Anderson Cooper.

gergen bohemian grove

cooper CIA

Now that most of the secrets of the elites plan are out in plain view, these guys are having a hard time remaining credible. The sophisticated network of lies and deceit is formally exposed and it's like shining light on a vampire.

No way I could vote for Obama because of his lack of experience and his belief that he's Martin Luther King. I can't even think about voting for the cock-eyed preacher from Arkansas, Huckabee. Edwards is a Council on Foreign Relations poodle. Hitlary, well, what can I say. None of the other candidates really get any press though.

cockeyed huckabee

Probably the most satisfying moment was seeing Ron Paul finish ahead of Giuliani. The alphabet media favorite Giuliani posted results that appeared to suggest Rudy has seen his 15 minutes of fame come and go.


Regardless of the caucus results, which were bound to be fixed, several caucus states are still on the horizon. Some even have legitimate voting methodology. I expect the New Hamphire caucus to favor Ron Paul, but watch for the tyrannical fix to come in somewhere.

Viva La Revolucion! Ron Paul for President 2008!

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Thursday, January 3, 2008

CFR's Haass Tells Pakistan To Expect Intensified "Shock Therapy"

cfr logo

Beware of the white horse...........

In an interview issued by the Council on Foreign Relations, Richard Haass on January 2 2008, tells Pakistan to prepare for increased instability. A sure sign of the shock doctrine ideology instituted by the US in many parts of the world today.

Quote from Richard Haass: haass

"My prediction is that with or without President Musharraf in place, we need to anticipate considerable drift, by which I mean you will have constant political jockeying and skirmishing, lower economic growth rates, and probably a messy security situation in which any progress vis-à-vis the Taliban or al-Qaeda or local extremists is at best fitful. That to me is the most likely scenario. One wouldn’t describe as reassuring. It is also possible to imagine worse scenarios in which public order breaks down. "

Pakistan poses as a melting pot for total collapse of foreign policy set by the US in the Middle East. Damage control is in full swing and the CFR is preparing for the onslaught of atrocities never before seen in Pakistan. Shock & Awe style persuasion is set to escalate if the Pakistani's don't "Shut up and assimilate!"


You think Iraq is bad? Pakistan has the potential of launching a war that the world has never seen. This is way more than just about the people of Pakistan. Unfortunately they are the ones who will initially have to suffer failed policy set by the US there.

Musharraf instituting a military police state in Pakistan shows he is still under the control of the US. Their support of Bhutto was at best, a diversionary front. I now have absolutely no doubt her assassination was carried out by the CIA and ISI.

bhutto oil

If the same level of torture was taking place in the United States you can bet the people would react in like fashion and revolt. Perhaps on a more intense scale I would hope. Of course we have our own form of shock therapy taking place here, such as failed economic policy. A failure to the citizens that is, the elite are diaster capitalist experts.

The monkey's running the show are having a hard time putting out all the fires they have started and 2008 will without a doubt, be one for the record books.


Full Richard Haass Interview

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Richard Haass Tells Pakistan To Expect Intensified Shock Therapy

Paul Reissaus

Beware of the white horse...........
In an interview issued by the Council on Foreign Relations, Richard Haass on January 2 2008, tells Pakistan to prepare for increased instability. A sure sign of the shock doctrine ideology instituted by the US in many parts of the world today.

Quote from Richard Haass:
"My prediction is that with or without President Musharraf in place, we need to anticipate considerable drift, by which I mean you will have constant political jockeying and skirmishing, lower economic growth rates, and probably a messy security situation in which any progress vis-à-vis the Taliban or al-Qaeda or local extremists is at best fitful. That to me is the most likely scenario. One wouldn't describe as reassuring. It is also possible to imagine worse scenarios in which public order breaks down. "

Pakistan poses as a melting pot for total collapse of foreign policy set by the US in the Middle East. Damage control is in full swing and the CFR is preparing for the onslaught of atrocities never before seen in Pakistan. Shock & Awe style persuasion is set to escalate if the Pakistani's don't "Shut up and assimilate!"

You think Iraq is bad? Pakistan has the potential of launching a war that the world has never seen. This is way more than just about the people of Pakistan. Unfortunately they are the ones who will initially have to suffer failed policy set by the US there.

Musharraf instituting a military police state in Pakistan shows he is still under the control of the US. Their support of Bhutto was at best, a diversionary front. I now have absolutely no doubt her assassination was carried out by the CIA and ISI.

If the same level of torture was taking place in the United States you can bet the people would react in like fashion and revolt. Perhaps on a more intense scale I would hope. Of course we have our own form of shock therapy taking place here, such as failed economic policy. A failure to the citizens that is, the elite are diaster capitalist experts.

The monkey's running the show are having a hard time putting out all the fires they have started and 2008 will without a doubt, be one for the record books.

Full Richard Haass Interview

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Wednesday, January 2, 2008

US Awards F-16 Contracts To Pakistan Amid Chaos


The US Defense Department on Monday awarded a $498.2 million contract to Lockheed Martin Corp to supply 18 F-16 fighter jets to Pakistan.

Why? They want the Pakistani's money. They want to destroy the economy, the culture, the people, their pets and everything within 100 miles of any civilization left in Pakistan.

They want Pakistans oil reserves above all else.

By now people are so confused about US - Pakistan relations that the question on most Pakistani minds is "What is happening to our country?" It's called psycological shock therapy, which the globalists feed upon and need to clear the slate. Problem is the morons running the show haven't figured out how to rewrite the slate once it's been cleared!


Musharraf hasn't been a good little puppet like the Council on Foreign Relations had intended in the 1999 coup d'état. The elite that put him where he is feel he must be replaced, and Musharraf of course knows this. Bhutto criticized the Bush administration on several occasions, big mistake for a puppet in waiting. Besides the PPP could use the sympathy votes and hopefully insure elections with her assassination. Very sad indeed.

It's well known that if the US government is to be successful in their efforts for global intregration, world economic control and world governance, they have to play both sides of the table. Personally I predict Musharraf by a landslide in the Feburary vote, but the puzzle is so mixed at this point it's anybody's guess.

Not unlike many countries in the region that are suffering from the shock therapy induced by the powers that be, Pakistan is now at the front of the line, so to speak. The planned assassination of Benazir Bhutto was the beginning of the end for Pakistan as the world knows it.

The globalization movement really wants one world governance before 2012 and has accelerated intergration efforts to an alarming rate. The US Council on Foreign Relations has a master plan all layed out for Pakistan and the rest of the world that they don't want anyone to know about. Problem is that the internet kind of throws a wrench in the works for them.

There is a lot more to this story than initially met the eye but most of my original views are now fact. Leading me to believe the efforts put forth to expose these lunatics is finally starting to pay off. The globalists should be afraid, be very afraid.......

Blowback is a biatch!


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