Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Ron Paul Supports Friedman Ideology

I've been a loyal Ron Paul supporter since the first time I listened to him speak, that may change due to new information I received today. Dammit Man!

According to author and intellectual Naomi Klein, a transplanted Canadian and future speech writer to George W. Bush named David Krum, called for a shock therapy-style economic revolution in the U.S. Krum is a disciple of the Milton Freidman school of thought, which is based on socialist ideas and disaster capitalism. Freidman was one sick individual. He was the one responsible for the demolition of housing units in New Orleans recently. It was his last act before his death at 94.

David Krum was quoted as stating "Here's how I think we should do it. Instead of cutting incrementally - a little here, a little there - I would say that on a single day this summer we eliminate 300 programs, each one costing a billion dollars or less. Maybe these cuts won't make a big deal of difference, but, boy, do they make a point. And you can do them right away".

Sound familiar?

Ron Paul said he would do this but it would take him a bit longer. This is the first connection I've found that links the true way Dr. Paul is thinking, to the Bush administration. This could be a deal breaker for me. I've had enough economic shock therapy. Thanks to Ms. Klein for waking me up.

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