Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Message From Ron Paul

December 17, 2007

What a day! I am humbled and inspired, grateful and thrilled for this
vast outpouring of support.

On just one day, in honor of the 234th anniversary of the Boston Tea
Party, the new American revolutionaries brought in $6.04 million, another
one-day record. The average donation was $102; we had 58,407
individual contributors, of whom an astounding 24,915 were first-time donors.

And it was an entirely voluntary, self-organized, decentralized,
independent effort on the internet. Must be the "spammers" I keep hearing

The establishment is baffled and worried, and well they should be. They
keep asking me who runs our internet fundraising and controls our
volunteers. To these top-down central planners, a spontaneous order like
our movement is science-fiction. But you and I know it's real: as real as
the American people's yearning for freedom, peace, and prosperity, as
real as all the men and women who have sacrificed for our ideals, in
the past and today.

And how neat to see celebrations all across the world, with Tea Parties
from France to New Zealand. This is how we can spread the ideals of
our country, through voluntary emulation, not bombs and bribes. Of
course, there were hundreds in America.

As I dropped in on a cheering, laughing crowd of about 600 near my home
in Freeport, Texas, I noted that they call us "angry." Well, we are
the happiest, most optimistic "angry" movement ever, and the most
diverse. What unites us is a love of liberty, and a determination to fix what
is wrong with our country, from the Fed to the IRS, from warfare to
welfare. But otherwise we are a big tent.

Said the local newspaper
(http://www.thefacts.com/story.lasso?ewcd=36475b4d132fc0a1): "The
elderly sat with teens barely old enough to vote. The faces were black,
Hispanic, Asian and white. There was no fear in their voices as they spoke
boldly with each other about the way the country should be. Held close
like a deeply held secret, Paul has brought them out of the disconnect
they feel between what they know to be true and where the country has
been led."

Thanks also to the 500 or so who braved the blizzard in Boston to go to
Faneuil Hall. My son Rand told me what a great time he had with you.

A few mornings ago on LewRockwell.com, I saw a YouTube of a 14-year-old
boy that summed up our whole movement for me. This well-spoken young
man, who could have passed in knowledge for a college graduate, told how
he heard our ideas being denounced. So he decided to Google. He read
some of my speeches, and thought, these make sense. Then he studied US
foreign policy of recent years, and came to the conclusion that we are
right. So he persuaded his father to drop Rudy Giuliani and join our

All over America, all over the world, we are inspiring real change.
With the wars and the spying, the spending and the taxing, the inflation
and the credit crisis, our ideas have never been more needed. Please
help me spread them https://www.ronpaul2008.com/donate in all 50 states.

Victory for liberty! That is our goal, and nothing less.
Paid for by the Ron Paul 2008 Presidential Campaign Committee.

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