Thursday, December 27, 2007

Pakistans Future After Bhutto Assassination

The future of Pakistan is a serious situation for the globalization movement set forth by the Council on Foreign Relations and other members of the New World Order. There are many political implications involved with Bhutto's death, not just for Pakistan, but the entire world.

Riots throughout Pakistan ensued following the assassination of Benazir Bhutto, a sure sign of things to come. When the shock of what has happened there wears off things will really get interesting. Bhutto's father was hanged in a similar situation in 1949.

One thing is for sure though, when the heads of the CFR and Bush administration started spouting off about this situation, I had no doubt they had something to do with it. When certain key figures start rattling their heads as if it were rehearsed, it's time to put on the boots because it's going to get deep.

Destabilization in Pakistan means a new slate to work with. Not unlike CIA shock therapy which was used for the same effect. Shock to the mind leaves one in a coma like state and then the mind can be rewritten. "The Shock Doctrine" by Naomi Klein is a perfect explanation of what is happening and what will happen in the very near future to Pakistan.

I mentioned earlier that I believe the CIA to be directly involved, I'll extend that to the ISI as well. Pakistani Intelligence is more than likely the actual murderer's here, but the CIA was the one that said - when. Timing is everything when creating the right political atmosphere for voters.

I have heard several CFR and Bush people state "The first question is - Who did this?" For me the first question is - "Who benefits from this?" It's clear that by assassinating Bhutto the region will become unstable and invite dissenter genocide on a massive scale. The slate will be cleared for new policy and greater government control over the people of Pakistan.

Policy is already written in the US to try and contain the situation. I feel this is out of the hands of the Pakistani people though, and aside from a nuclear assault on their neighbors - the US, EU and Israel will strongly influence the shock therapy inflicted there. Musharraf doesn't stand a chance of survival and will strive to intentionally make the situation worse in the coming weeks and months, as a justified means to an end.

CFR Audio on Pakistan Future

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