Friday, January 4, 2008

Iowa Caucus Results Skewed By Tampering


After watching the Iowa caucus Thursday night I will never doubt the Ron Paul Revolution again. I can no longer bare to watch the deceit and manipulation set forth by the mass media and globalization movement.

At every turn of the tv channel the corporate elite led alphabet media manipulated the caucus with tactics like "Entrance Polls". Reports of victory for Obama and Huckabee surfaced within 20 minutes of the caucus beginning.

CNN had the whole gang of co-conspirators lined up, ready to spew their deceit. The Bohemian Grove's David Gergen was front and center with ex-CIA mockingbird Anderson Cooper.

gergen bohemian grove

cooper CIA

Now that most of the secrets of the elites plan are out in plain view, these guys are having a hard time remaining credible. The sophisticated network of lies and deceit is formally exposed and it's like shining light on a vampire.

No way I could vote for Obama because of his lack of experience and his belief that he's Martin Luther King. I can't even think about voting for the cock-eyed preacher from Arkansas, Huckabee. Edwards is a Council on Foreign Relations poodle. Hitlary, well, what can I say. None of the other candidates really get any press though.

cockeyed huckabee

Probably the most satisfying moment was seeing Ron Paul finish ahead of Giuliani. The alphabet media favorite Giuliani posted results that appeared to suggest Rudy has seen his 15 minutes of fame come and go.


Regardless of the caucus results, which were bound to be fixed, several caucus states are still on the horizon. Some even have legitimate voting methodology. I expect the New Hamphire caucus to favor Ron Paul, but watch for the tyrannical fix to come in somewhere.

Viva La Revolucion! Ron Paul for President 2008!

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