Monday, December 17, 2007

Ron Paul Takes Glenn Beck To School

Tuesday evening Dr. Ron Paul made a much anticipated appearance on the Glenn Beck show, which airs on CNN's Headline News. I've been waiting for this interview and I wasn't disappointed.

Beck really showed his lack of education on domestic policy, the Bush administration and the federal reserve system. Almost seemed a bit to convenient for him. I expected Beck to attack Dr. Paul with a barrage of misinformation and try to confuse the entire purpose of the "revolution". It didn't work.

Beck repeatedly plugged his own book, which is full of distorted facts and obscure views. He made every attempt at feeding this same bull to Dr. Paul, calling his views "controvesial" and not mainstream. Does Beck live on another planet or is he really that stupid? Several times Dr. Paul had to explain away insane conspiracy theroies manifested by Beck, designed to discredit Ron Paul supporters. I admit there are some very extreme individuals with bazzar theroies about things like 911, but Dr. Paul has never claimed to be associated with any of them.

This was hardly a fair interview given that Beck has an agenda of his own. Dr Paul never the less, was flawless as usual and continued his message of change. Once again Dr. Paul has proven that he is the force to be reckoned with. The knowledge this man holds is remarkable. I can understand why the other candidates are scared. They don't want to debate Ron Paul face to face.

Mainstream media has barely covered the successful Tea Party 07 nuclear "money bomb", which broke all fundraising efforts in the history of campaigning. Imagine that for a moment and then ask yourself, why?

I find the answer rather mind boggling but in the end it boils down to this: Mainstream media is controlled by the world corporate elite and they have an agenda. People like N.M. Rothschild, for example, owns Reuters and the Associated Press, where the majority of your news comes from. 95% of what you hear and see in the news is controlled by Rothschild and his minions.

David Rockefeller is another master of deception. This dude is one evil individual. The kind that kills small animals in front of babies kind of evil. There are many people involved with trying to bury Dr. Paul and his message, but they won't be successful. Even if Ron Paul isn't elected president, and he probably won't be, the revolution won't be denied.

I will support Dr. Paul's vision for the rest of my life and I don't accept the media telling me not too. I have a family that is very important to me and I will stand up to the new world order without hesitation.

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