Wednesday, December 12, 2007

The Amero Dollar and the Loss of Cultural Sovereignty

A lot of talk is beginning to stir about the coming Amero dollar and what it will mean for the American people. In 1999 The Fraser Institute, a Canadian think tank, published a report called “The Case for the Amero, The Economics and Politics of a North American Monetary Union”.

This report outlines the North American monetary integration process and the so called “benefits” it will bring. The report is a result of the successful introduction of the Euro and the official “dollarization” of the Argentina and Mexico currencies.

Quote from the report’s executive summary:

The plan for a North American Monetary Union presented in this study is designed to include Canada, the United States, and Mexico. Under the proposed plan, bank notes and coins of the currency (tentatively called the Amero) will have Amero symbols on one side and national emblems on the other to preserve national symbols of national identity.”

I have a 50 page summary at that explains the integration process and loss of cultural sovereignty that goes with it. This isn’t a joke anymore; we really are headed toward a fascist dictatorship. Research and compare Nazi Germany to the Bush family legacy of deceit, unbelievable. In fact, Grandaddy Prescott Bush was a financier of Hitler!

Everyone interested in national sovereignty needs to call their congressman and demand an investigation into the activities surrounding the North American Union (even if they choose not to call it that) or before you know it there won’t be a United States of America (even if the name remains the same). The processes by which the NAU is being formed are treasonous and impeachable to say the least.

More to come soon……………

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