Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Economic Shock Therapy

I recently found a book written by Naomi Klein called "The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism". I've listened to Ms. Klein giving lectures about disaster capitalism and how society is effected and this woman will shock your mind. This is a revolutionary non -fiction writing that is sure to intrigue and keep you on the edge.

After reading the first eleven pages of the book I could tell it would be another sleepless night. I put the book down and began researching economic shock therapy, which is referred to by Mrs.Klein as part of an overall larger picture.

Economic shock therapy, according to Mrs. Klein, is what we have been living in America since 9/11/2001. I don't think anyone would disagree that the price of everything has skyrocketed in the last several years. This is only a taste of what lies ahead.

A few years ago about a 100 owner operator truck drivers went to Washington D.C. to plead their case about rising fuel prices. Their claim was the drastic increase would put the little guy out of business.

I know from experience that these small business owners work within a very tight budget. Profit is less than 5% in most cases. In 1994 truck drivers were calling NAFTA the National Agreement to Fuck Truckers Act.

Another cost truckers face is Wal-Mart, and many other companies, now charge trucking companies to off load their own freight. Wal-Mart orders the merchandise but won't let a driver unload until a lumper fee is paid. This is one tactic companies use to offset tariff rates and fuel surcharges. Guess who ends up paying for all of it.

I could see what nafta meant not just for me as a driver, but what it meant for the whole country. It took several years for increased fuel costs to trickle down but my guess is by this time next year things will be a lot worse.

The increase in the cost of fuel, coupled with the states increasing speed limits in the mid 1990's, has rapidly led to the price of everything we buy going through the roof. Free trade has driven almost every manufacturing job overseas and left the American people as servants. The American dollar is still worthless and will continue to decline. Make way for the Amero.

Now we have the Chinese killing our kids and our pets and forcing their slave labor merchandise on the masses. But what a joy it will be when Mexican trucks begin crossing our border by the thousands, unchecked until they reach Kansas City, where they can park their Chinese cargo containers full of Chinese junk, or nuclear bio weapons.

You want economic shock therapy? We got all you want in the US and it's just going to keep getting worse. Take a look at Argentina for an example of what is going to happen in America in the very near future.

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