Sunday, December 16, 2007

Ron Paul Tea Party Nuclear Money Bomb Breaks Record - Again

December 16th, 2007 Tea Party

Ghost Rider Ron Paul Smokes the Competition with 1 Day Nuclear Money Bomb: Watch For Fallout..........

I began watching the Ron Paul campaign website shortly after midnight and what a show it was. At first I was a bit skeptical but as it turns out, it was the most gratifying event I have witnessed in quite some time.
Several times I witnessed an influx of $200k + in donations within seconds of each other. More than $6 million dollars was raised, showing the strength of the revolution and the emergence of a new era in political history. The people have spoken and it’s a beautiful thing.

More than 20,000 new supporters donated to Tea Party 07, with more than 50,000 new donations for the week. The total raised so far in the 4th quarter is over $18 million! Still 2 weeks to go in 2007. This effort beats John Kerry's $5.7 million one day event and forges Dr. Paul's place in American history. Suck on that Hillary and Obama.

Dr. Paul is the first presidential candidate I’ve ever supported. The reason is simple, change. Ron Paul offers a new path for my children and inspires hope in the American people. I’ve never seen anything like this “revolution” before. I’ve only read about it in history books.

I hate to compare the Paul campaign with Ross Perot, but not since those infamous pie charts have the American people been worked into such a feeding frenzy. I didn’t care much for Perot during his run as president and still don't. He was good at getting his message out but the messages weren't the most relevant of the time.

Dr. Paul has my respect and that doesn’t come easy. From the boat load of candidates I managed to choose one. I’m not a democrat, republican or an independent. I have researched all of the presidential candidates and Ron Paul sticks out like a sore thumb. He stands for 95% of what I believe in and that is by far too great to be a coincidence.

The last thing a person should do is make a choice for president based on what they read here. Find the facts and make an intelligent decision based on those facts. This country is dissolving quickly folks and it’s time for the American people to stand up and notice. A lot of you already are. Viva La Revolucion!

Dr. Ron Paul has my vote. What have you done to protect freedom lately?

You can still donate at Excellent Job to Everyone Involved!

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