Friday, January 11, 2008

Fake Focus Group Calls Ron Paul Debate Loser

In yet another Faux News fake focus group, the actors were asked who they thought won the South Carolina debate, the concensus was Thompson, which I hate to admit is my view as well. A bit too little too late though.

The next question was Who do you think lost? The actors on que, raised their hands in unison in favor of Ron Paul being the Loser. I couldn't disagree more. Faux News' own text-in poll at one point was showing Ron Paul the winner with 38% and Giuliani the loser with only 5%. Of course Faux only mentioned the other candidates in this poll until the very last minute when they announced Ron Paul the winner. You could hear the dissapointment in Sean Hannity's voice.

Let's see, you have a dying actor (Thompson); a Nazi and possible rape victim (McCain); the son of a crime boss and made guy (Giuliani); a cockeyed preacher from Arkansas that believes it's okay to rape and torture dogs (Hucklabee); George HW Bush's third son and Nazi fascist co-conspirator (Romney); and a hardcore conservative with a long history of being right (RON PAUL!)

This episode of Faux News still has me laughing. An unbelievable level of deceit and shock tactics are being used. Suckabee made a reference to being on target because of all the flak he is taking, Ron Paul is being hit with everything by everyone.

This focus group is the most insane thing I've witnessed in quite some time. The lead actor goes as far as showing a viewer-response-graphic of Dr. Paul's response to the Iran boat incident in recent days. The graph falls off the screen and he says there has never been a viewer response like this. He claims the viewers are completely against what Paul was saying. MYYYYYYYYYY GODDDDDDD! If this is true, how was Dr. Paul able to hands down win the debate, according to Faux's own poll?????????

Not only is Dr.Paul on target, he's gone nuclear, and the globalists are firing back with less-than-leathal munnitions. Their vampire mentallity is illuminated with the light of freedom; and the revolution is surging forward with blood in their eyes!

VIVA LA CONSTITUCION! The answer to 1984 is Ron Paul 2008

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