Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Iraq Defense Minister Says US Must Stay Until 2018

If you haven't already, it's time to accept a long term commitment in Iraq. The governments plan is to stay the course at all cost.

Iraqi Defense Minister Abdul Qadir in Washington on Monday stated:

"According to our calculations and our timelines, we think that from the first quarter of 2009 until 2012 we will be able to take full control of the internal affairs of the country. In regard to the borders, regarding protection from any external threats, our calculation appears that we are not going to be able to answer to any external threats until 2018 to 2020."

Calculations? A rocket scientist couldn't figure out the mess in Iraq. Might as well say indefinately, like Korea or Japan or any of the number of other permanent Military Police Bases around the world.

The thought of ending this illegal occupation isn't even on the agenda for the Bush administration. Invading Iran and Pakistan are though. The destabilization efforts in the Middle East are becoming more blatant everyday. Pakistan is in virtual ruin over the CIA assassination of Benazir Bhutto. Our Navy is set to stage another Gulf of Tonkin incident over an Iranian speedboat in the Strait of Hormuz, based on the voice of an inland radio hack. Trigger fingers are real itchy.

Our government is equipping Sunni rebels in Iraq with weapons, to aid in continuing the neighborhood infighting. What is this doing to curb violence? I cannot understand why congress continues to support the war in Iraq. Bunch of bought and paid for pansies in Washington.

Dr. Ron Paul has exposed the United States Federal Reserve for what it really is, a vehicle for the continued "War on Terror". Take away the funding source and the globalists won't have the means to wage war.

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