Tuesday, January 22, 2008

World Financial Chain About To Snap

The downward spiral of the US dollar has magnified the world economic crisis. As governments around the world continue to print money out of thin air, total financial and economic collapse appears imminent.

There are many to blame for this; probably one of the more responsible individuals would be the now dead founder of economic disaster capitalism, Milton Friedman. It's no secret that Friedman ideology has played a major role in many failed governments and economic collapses during the last 40 years.

It's hard to imagine that someone could be so sinister as to intentionally set the stage for the complete compromise of an entire society. The last statement Friedman made before his death was to insure the demolition of housing in New Orleans, and in place build new condominiums, most of which the previous residents could never afford. Of course Friedman didn't act alone, his ideology has been taught to economic majors at leading universities all over the world.

Billionaire investor George Soros recently said the world was facing the worst financial crisis since World War Two and the United States was threatened with recession.

Looking at the current global stock market trend, the world economic chain could snap at anytime. Investors aren't convinced by the $150 Billion infusion Bush has offered and are selling as fast as they can.

This FIAT currency system by which we live is about to come full circle. The economic disaster capitalists have been waiting for this to happen for a long time. Milton Friedman developed a system that destroys societies, yet he remains a god among his disciples. Chile and Argentina were the two main laboratories for Friedman during the 1970's. Study the history of Pinochet and you will discover the roots of what is happening in the United States.

Cash infusions, massive stock collapse across the board, foreign investment groups buying up American assets, and all our government can do is provide a short term partial fix that doesn't address the real problem. A change of economic ideology is the only way this imminent collapse will be contained.

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