From the Ron Paul Website----------
December 28, 2007 10:39 pm EST
ARLINGTON, VIRGINIA – According to the New Hampshire State Republican Party and an Associated Press report, Republican presidential candidate and Texas Congressman Ron Paul will be excluded from an upcoming forum of Republican candidates to be broadcast by Fox News on January 6, 2008.
“Given Ron Paul’s support in New Hampshire and his recent historic fundraising success, it is outrageous that Dr. Paul would be excluded,” said Ron Paul 2008 campaign chairman Kent Snyder. “Dr. Paul has consistently polled higher in New Hampshire than some of the other candidates who have been invited.”
Snyder continued, “Paul supporters should know that we are continuing to make inquiries with Fox News as to why they have apparently excluded Dr. Paul from this event.”
--------The war on the home front is far from over........
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Ron Paul Excluded In Fox Debate
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Pakistans Future After Bhutto Assassination
The future of Pakistan is a serious situation for the globalization movement set forth by the Council on Foreign Relations and other members of the New World Order. There are many political implications involved with Bhutto's death, not just for Pakistan, but the entire world.
Riots throughout Pakistan ensued following the assassination of Benazir Bhutto, a sure sign of things to come. When the shock of what has happened there wears off things will really get interesting. Bhutto's father was hanged in a similar situation in 1949.
One thing is for sure though, when the heads of the CFR and Bush administration started spouting off about this situation, I had no doubt they had something to do with it. When certain key figures start rattling their heads as if it were rehearsed, it's time to put on the boots because it's going to get deep.
Destabilization in Pakistan means a new slate to work with. Not unlike CIA shock therapy which was used for the same effect. Shock to the mind leaves one in a coma like state and then the mind can be rewritten. "The Shock Doctrine" by Naomi Klein is a perfect explanation of what is happening and what will happen in the very near future to Pakistan.
I mentioned earlier that I believe the CIA to be directly involved, I'll extend that to the ISI as well. Pakistani Intelligence is more than likely the actual murderer's here, but the CIA was the one that said - when. Timing is everything when creating the right political atmosphere for voters.
I have heard several CFR and Bush people state "The first question is - Who did this?" For me the first question is - "Who benefits from this?" It's clear that by assassinating Bhutto the region will become unstable and invite dissenter genocide on a massive scale. The slate will be cleared for new policy and greater government control over the people of Pakistan.
Policy is already written in the US to try and contain the situation. I feel this is out of the hands of the Pakistani people though, and aside from a nuclear assault on their neighbors - the US, EU and Israel will strongly influence the shock therapy inflicted there. Musharraf doesn't stand a chance of survival and will strive to intentionally make the situation worse in the coming weeks and months, as a justified means to an end.
CFR Audio on Pakistan Future
Benazir Bhutto Assassinated in Pakistan
The assassination of Benazir Bhutto is a horrific example of mental shock therapy. The people of Pakistan are in for one hell of a ride, my sympathy goes out to them.
It's my belief that this incident poses as a stepping stone for higher security in the U.S.
I wouldn't be surprised if this was carried out by our own CIA. The global elite have wanted Hillary Clinton as president of the U.S. for a very long time, what better way to promote her campaign than by killing a friend of hers. Wouldn't be the first time this sort of thing has occurred to further politcal causes.
Article from BBC News:
{Ms Bhutto - the first woman PM in an Islamic state - was leaving an election rally in Rawalpindi when a gunman shot her in the neck and set off a bomb.
At least 20 other people died in the attack and several more were injured.
President Pervez Musharraf has urged people to remain calm but angry protests have gripped some cities, with at least 11 deaths reported.
Security forces have been placed on a state of "red alert" nationwide.
There were no immediate claims of responsibility for the attack. Analysts believe Islamist militants to be the most likely group behind it.
Map: Scene of the assassination
Ms Bhutto, leader of the Pakistan People's Party (PPP), had served as prime minister from 1988-1990 and 1993-1996, and had been campaigning ahead of elections due on 8 January.
Benazir Bhutto's coffin has now been taken from the hospital
It was the second suicide attack against her in recent months and came amid a wave of bombings targeting security and government officials.
Nawaz Sharif, also a former prime minister and a political rival, announced his Muslim League party would boycott the elections.
He called on President Musharraf to resign, saying free and fair elections were not possible under his rule.
The United Nations Security Council held an emergency session and later said it "unanimously condemned" the assassination.
Scene of grief
Ms Bhutto's remains have been removed from Rawalpindi General Hospital in a van. They are reportedly being taken to the city's airport.
Extremist groups have in their sights all those committed to democratic processes in Pakistan
David Miliband UK foreign secretary
International reaction
In pictures: Protest fury
Analysis: Blow to stability
The attack occurred close to an entrance gate of the city park where Ms Bhutto had been speaking.
Police confirmed reports Ms Bhutto had been shot in the neck and chest before the gunman blew himself up.
She died at 1816 (1316 GMT), said Wasif Ali Khan, a member of the PPP who was at hospital.
Some supporters at the hospital wept while others broke into anger, throwing stones at cars and breaking windows.
Protests erupted in other cities as news of the assassination spread, with reports of 11 deaths in the PPP's heartland province of Sindh, including four in provincial capital, Karachi.
More than 100 cars were burned in Karachi, while cars and a train were reportedly set on fire in Hyderabad.
Obituary: Benazir Bhutto
Life in pictures
The killing was condemned by India, the US, the UK and others.
US President George W Bush telephoned Mr Musharraf for what the White House would only describe as a "brief" conversation on the situation.
Ms Bhutto returned from self-imposed exile in October after years out of Pakistan where she had faced corruption charges.
Her return was the result of a power-sharing agreement with President Musharraf
He had granted an amnesty that covered the court cases she was facing.
But relations with Mr Musharraf soon broke down.
On the day of her arrival, she had led a motor cavalcade through the city of Karachi.
It was hit by a double suicide attack that left some 130 dead.
Rawalpindi, the nerve centre of Pakistan's military, is seen as one of the country's most secure cities.
It was only a matter of time before the darker forces... carried out this action
Helen StynesSwaffham }
Welcome to the shock doctrine........
Labels: assassination, benazir, bhutto, shock therapy
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Pope Benedicts Silent Call For World Governance
Pope Benedict on Tuesday gave his annual Christmas message to tens of thousands in attendance and over 1 billion loyal sheep worldwide. I listened to his sermon and have concluded that this was just another Vatican call for world governance.
Here's a quote from the sermon:
"May the light of Christ, which comes to enlighten every human being, shine forth and bring consolation to those who live in the darkness of poverty, injustice and war".
"Christmas should bring hope to those still denied their legitimate aspirations for a more secure existence, for health, education, stable employment, for fuller participation in civil and political responsibilities, free from oppression and protected from conditions that offend against human dignity".
To some this is just a simple statement but to me it's much more. My research tells me conclusively that the Vatican is a main player in the new world order ideology. Pope Benedict, or should I call him Pope Corleone, sits at the head of the most corrupt criminal organization in the world and that's a fact.
Watch Godfather III sometime, it's a true story!
When a person is free to open their mind and read between the lines of the Popes statement, the call for one world governance is clear. A "secure existence" is what the NWO proposes in almost every instance. "Health, education, employment", this works very nicely into the NWO's global agenda. The entire sermon is based on world governance, just a lot of fluff added to keep the masses dumb.
He warned that "ethnic, religious and political tensions, instability, rivalry, disagreements, and all forms of injustice and discrimination are destroying the internal fabric of many countries and embittering international relations".
According to members of the elite Bilderberg Group, none of this would be a problem under one world governance. Some things are obvious on the outside but people must make the time to educate themselves or be prepared to sleep in the bed they make.
The following two excerpts are from the Council on Foreign Relations report "Building a North American Community".
{The global challenges faced by North America cannot be met solely through unilateral or bilateral efforts or existing patterns of cooperation. They require deepened cooperation based on the principle, affirmed in the March 2005 joint statement by Canada, Mexico, and the United States, that ‘‘our security and prosperity are mutually dependent and complementary.’’
Establishment by 2010 of a security and economic community for North America is an ambitious but achievable goal that is consistent with this principle and, more important, buttresses the goals and values of the citizens of North America, who share a desire for safe and secure societies, economic opportunity and prosperity, and strong democratic institutions" }
To me this has the same look and feel of the Pontiffs sermon. It isn't just one source creating this new world order, it's a collective of elites, rulers, kings and presidents that are in one way or another forced into line by the collective itself.
Situations such as terrorist attacks and massive disaster shock, are key components that are intentionally used to force countries and populations into making decisions they would otherwise never have to make.
Today it's all in the name of one world governance, yesterday it was one world religion, which by the way, is now included in the NWO's overall agenda. The Vatican is the largest proponent of mass genocide in the world and history states this as a fact.
"The popes were temporal rulers of the civil territory and they naturally had recourse to force the re-establishment or extend the States of the Church until the conclusion of peace was confirmed ... their attempts to purify particularly the Duchy of Rome caused them considerable distress and the need to resort to violence, but always on the side of mercy ... lives were lost in the service of truth but the legal basis for the Christian Church to hold and transmit properties for the benefit of revenues was given to them [the popes] by Emperor Constantine in 312." (Catholic Encyclopedia, Pecci ed., ii, pp. 157—169)
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Ron Paul Supports Friedman Ideology
I've been a loyal Ron Paul supporter since the first time I listened to him speak, that may change due to new information I received today. Dammit Man!
According to author and intellectual Naomi Klein, a transplanted Canadian and future speech writer to George W. Bush named David Krum, called for a shock therapy-style economic revolution in the U.S. Krum is a disciple of the Milton Freidman school of thought, which is based on socialist ideas and disaster capitalism. Freidman was one sick individual. He was the one responsible for the demolition of housing units in New Orleans recently. It was his last act before his death at 94.
David Krum was quoted as stating "Here's how I think we should do it. Instead of cutting incrementally - a little here, a little there - I would say that on a single day this summer we eliminate 300 programs, each one costing a billion dollars or less. Maybe these cuts won't make a big deal of difference, but, boy, do they make a point. And you can do them right away".
Sound familiar?
Ron Paul said he would do this but it would take him a bit longer. This is the first connection I've found that links the true way Dr. Paul is thinking, to the Bush administration. This could be a deal breaker for me. I've had enough economic shock therapy. Thanks to Ms. Klein for waking me up.
Economic Shock Therapy
I recently found a book written by Naomi Klein called "The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism". I've listened to Ms. Klein giving lectures about disaster capitalism and how society is effected and this woman will shock your mind. This is a revolutionary non -fiction writing that is sure to intrigue and keep you on the edge.
After reading the first eleven pages of the book I could tell it would be another sleepless night. I put the book down and began researching economic shock therapy, which is referred to by Mrs.Klein as part of an overall larger picture.
Economic shock therapy, according to Mrs. Klein, is what we have been living in America since 9/11/2001. I don't think anyone would disagree that the price of everything has skyrocketed in the last several years. This is only a taste of what lies ahead.
A few years ago about a 100 owner operator truck drivers went to Washington D.C. to plead their case about rising fuel prices. Their claim was the drastic increase would put the little guy out of business.
I know from experience that these small business owners work within a very tight budget. Profit is less than 5% in most cases. In 1994 truck drivers were calling NAFTA the National Agreement to Fuck Truckers Act.
Another cost truckers face is Wal-Mart, and many other companies, now charge trucking companies to off load their own freight. Wal-Mart orders the merchandise but won't let a driver unload until a lumper fee is paid. This is one tactic companies use to offset tariff rates and fuel surcharges. Guess who ends up paying for all of it.
I could see what nafta meant not just for me as a driver, but what it meant for the whole country. It took several years for increased fuel costs to trickle down but my guess is by this time next year things will be a lot worse.
The increase in the cost of fuel, coupled with the states increasing speed limits in the mid 1990's, has rapidly led to the price of everything we buy going through the roof. Free trade has driven almost every manufacturing job overseas and left the American people as servants. The American dollar is still worthless and will continue to decline. Make way for the Amero.
Now we have the Chinese killing our kids and our pets and forcing their slave labor merchandise on the masses. But what a joy it will be when Mexican trucks begin crossing our border by the thousands, unchecked until they reach Kansas City, where they can park their Chinese cargo containers full of Chinese junk, or nuclear bio weapons.
You want economic shock therapy? We got all you want in the US and it's just going to keep getting worse. Take a look at Argentina for an example of what is going to happen in America in the very near future.