It was announced Sunday that contained within Benazir Bhutto's will, she wanted her husband, Asif Ali Zardari, take over in case of her death. But Zardari, who is viewed with suspicion by many Pakistanis, appointed his son, Bilawal Bhutto Zardari, as official chairman of the party that the 19-year-old's grandfather founded in 1967.
Investigators accused Zardari, and by complicity Benazir, of taking secret kickbacks from airline, power station and pipeline projects, rice deals, customs inspections, defence contracts, land sell-offs, even government welfare. They allege that while the kickbacks were organised by Zardari, Benazir knew what was going on. As prime minister and finance minister, she had to approve many government contracts personally.
Zardari was jailed for the first time in 1990 on charges ranging from murder to bank fraud when Bhutto's first government was dismissed. He was released in 1993 and acquitted of the charges.
Zardari became investment minister in Bhutto's second government. He was nicknamed "Mr. 10%" for allegedly skimming commissions on government contracts. He was also accused of spending state money on ponies and the apples to feed them at the prime minister's residence, while the poor lacked bread to eat.
He was jailed a second time in 1996 over corruption allegations and alleged involvement in an attack on Bhutto's brother, Murtaza, who died in a shootout near his home in Karachi. He was freed in 2004 and moved his family to the United Arab Emirates.
Zardari appointed his son to insure election but you can bet Zardari will be the puppet master used by the new world order. Bilawal is just a pawn with no experience and will be easy to manipulate. Doesn't make much difference though, the elections will be rigged in favor of Musharraf anyway.
Musharraf has become a torn in the side of the Council on Foreign Relations and they insist on replacing him. Should get real interesting in Pakistan over the next few weeks.
Anyway you look at this situation it has CIA and ISI written all over it. If a state led democracy is what the elite want in Pakistan, they will stop at nothing to accomplish the task. I suspect the CIA viewed Benazir Bhutto's death as a way to lock in Pakistani elections. Her death made a statement to the peoples party, "Stand in formation or we'll shove a gun in your mouth!"
The events over the last few days make ISI involvement more obvious. The initial crime scene was hosed down within a hour of the assassination. Many witnesses claim Pakistani Military was involved and helped carry out the attack by leaving their posts early.
The people of Pakistan are still under martial law and many cities are torched, all in the name of democracy.
Monday, December 31, 2007
Bhutto's Corrupt Husband To Succeed Her
Labels: assassination, bhutto, elections, pakistan, zardari
Sunday, December 30, 2007
CFR Report Calls For Possible War With Russia
In November 2007 the Council on Foreign Relations released a climate change and national security report that not only threatens war with Russia, but also recommends accelerated North American Integration. The Northwest Passage is a glacial area that is expected to melt by the middle of the century and open a new trade route, taking some 4000 miles off current trade routes. Canada and Russia have both claimed ownership of the NW Passage and its resources, including oil reserves. In the CFR's report interstate war is threatened over the rights to the passage. A quote from the report: "Canada has claimed the Northwest Passage as internal waters while the United States has asserted they are international waters through which free passage should be permitted. Another concern is contested control of potential petroleum reserves in the area that have heretofore been inaccessible. In the summer of 2007, the Russians raised the stakes by laying claim to the North Pole and the resources underlying it, setting in motion a scramble by other national governments. Though armed confrontation remains unlikely, tensions over territorial waters hearken back to the kinds of border disputes that once led to interstate war." Considering the importance of the passage and its resources I would consider this as an early planning stage for war with Russia. There is very little room for negotiation between the two superpowers, Canada will be part of North American Union so their status is just a front for now. I would further expect the accelerated melting of the passage through government manipulation, to bring this into focus sooner rather than later. Climate change policy is more than just about the climate. It's primarily about international control and world governance. The Law of the Sea Treaty is a fine example of what the globalization movement is capable of. This treaty undermines national soverenignty and represents the accelerated integration set forth by the new world order. Don't think for a minute that these mass murderers won't start a war with Russia over a block of ice. The CFR report refers to a "No-Regrets-Policy" on climate change. Meaning that if they happen to be wrong about the seriousness of climate change, which is considered certain by more than 400 scientists worldwide, policies written will still be useful and will serve as building blocks for addtional global security. In other words, "So what if we're wrong? - We're still gonna' put a gun in your mouth" CFR Report Conclusion----